Choosing the right rental property is a big deal, especially if you are doing it for the first time. But even if this is your nth property rental, you still have to be sure that you are picking the right one based on your budget, requirements, preferences, and lifestyle. The budget is a significant factor, for example, and you want to make sure that the price of the property will not take too much out of your income and other expenses. But the location of the property counts as well, especially if you are a daily commuter to and from work; then you need property which has a location close by transport networks and motorways. So how can you be certain that the property you are looking at is the right one? The following is your best guide to choosing the proper rental property for your needs.

Check the exterior and interior

Some of us make the mistake of only looking at the interior when viewing a rental property, not knowing that the exterior makes a difference as well. When you are checking the property, make a close inspection of the exterior, as this will be a relevant indication of whether or not the landlord takes care of the place. For example, you can check the property’s windows and doors, and you should also check the gates. Security is a major concern for anyone, and, at the very least, the windows, doors, and gates have to be in good working order and should have the proper locks. If you look at the property from the outside, you should also check the roof. Does the roof look well-maintained and in good condition, or are there missing tiles and dilapidated corners? How about the brickwork or paint? All these aspects are worth checking if you want to avoid any future problems.

You should make it a point to check the interior, of course, and the first sign of a good piece of property is its cleanliness and freshness. But apart from checking if the property is clean, you should check the water pressure and the heating system and check the doors and windows for security. In addition, have a look at the walls (see if there is any damp), and if the property is furnished, then there should be an inventory list so you can make sure that all the items listed in the inventory are physically in the property.

Know the obligations of your landlord

A professional agreement between yourself and the landlord is necessary as it will protect you and the landlord. The agreement should include details on your rights and obligations and the expectations you have from each other. When you are presented with a tenancy agreement, make sure to read it as thoroughly and carefully as possible and raise any concerns you may have before you sign it. The tenancy agreement should also include answers to questions regarding who is responsible for property repairs, and it should also include the specific date for rental payments and notice periods. Copies of the agreement should be made to be signed by each party.

There are other aspects to think about when renting a property, such as the Gas Safe certification of the property, the deposit scheme, and even the property’s Energy Performance Certificate. If all these aspects seem daunting, you can always seek help from professional estate agents who can guide you through the process, such as the estate agents from Clifftons, who are known as some of the best estate agents in Bournemouth and other areas. With the right help, you can be sure of getting the best property to rent, property which you can enjoy and make your own for a long time.

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