The Norwegian national team player Ingrid Syrstad Engen has taken the leaf from the mouth.

In a longer interview with Norwegian TV2, she does not hide how hard the encounter with the German football was.

the Words are not for the faint of heart. For the transition to VfL Wolfsburg was marked by both a physical and mental meltdown. In particular, a specific incident still haunts in the 21-year-old midfielder.

We were out and run in the woods, which was new for me. I will never forget the training, I have never experienced to feel so worn before, ” says Meadow for TV 2 Norway.

It was one of the first trainings, just after she had switched to the club. The aim was to test whether the players were physically enduring enough for the season. In other words, separating dirt from the cinnamon.

– the Training was extreme difficult to implement, but I am not the type who gives up. I was completely worn out afterwards. I could not stand on my legs or manage to drive the car home.

– A teammate had to do it. And when I finally got home, I was so insanely hungry, but had nausea, so I could not manage to eat, she says.

She fell on the stuegulvet and was lying in two hours and had to be fed by his own mother, who happened to visit.

It was hard. But today I can smile about it. It was an experience, says the former Rosenborg-player.

She is not the only Norwegian woman, who has been training shock after a switch from the Toppserien for the Frauen-Bundesliga.

Maren Mjelde has also krøbet to the cross, with regard to the situation of German female football.

– I had played the EM and had had two weeks of vacation, but when I came back, thought the coaches, that I was in poor form. Each day in the eight days I took an extra jog after the workout.

When the others went on the weekend, I was sent on jogging in a room, which was warmed up to 30 degrees, said Mjelde, who played two years at Turbine Potsdam.

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Maren Mjelde was completely worn out after training, she says. Photo: Marit Hommedal.

When she came home, she lay down in an icy tub with all his clothes on.

In the international female football circles is the German træningskultur also known to be particularly martialsk.

It was hard to get to the German football. They have a completely different mentality, which is more black-and-white, tells a third Norwegian footballer by the name of Caroline Graham Hansen, who moved to Wolfsburg from Stabæk in 2014.

And maybe there is something to it.

during the Algarve Cup got viceanføreren Caroline Graham Hansen and the rest of the Norwegian kvindelandsholds a genuine ass, when they met the German national team.

After the match, explained the German coach, to træningskulturen experienced as difficult for many newly arrived Norwegian players.

– In the Bundesliga are they being challenged much more. They have to deliver. The German training is based on high intensity. We train six or seven times in the week, and if they do it in the course of a half or whole year, the players will feel that it pays off in all other areas, said Martine Voss-Teckleburg after the match is over.

She is also of the belief that the Norwegian players not being challenged enough at home in their own league.

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Intl. football – 10. mar. 2020 – pm. 13:04 Former football star crazy in gadeslagsmål