Wilhelmina Garcia and the jewels that do not go unnoticed (or yes)

Despite its colorful jewels that do not exactly go unnoticed, the Catalan jewelery firm Wilhelmina Garcia is still little known in the national market. Not so in places as far away as South Korea, Hong Kong or the United States, which are the main sales markets for this brand, which last year had a turnover of 700,000 euros. “Now I want to reverse this situation and make Wilhelmina Garcia known in Spain,” says Rocío Canals, founder of this firm that, a priori, has a name that sounds little like Catalan or Spanish. “The grandmother of a Swedish friend with whom she was going to create the brand was called Wilhelmina, and we joined it with Garcia, which is my second last name,” the entrepreneur explains.

Canals explains that he has come “up to this point without any business plan, I didn’t even consider creating a company initially, everything has been very organic”. It all started in 2012, in a jewelry workshop where the entrepreneur went in the afternoon, after work. “It was a hobby that helped me to escape from my day-to-day life as a publicist in front of the computer,” recalls Canals. Wilhelmina Garcia’s first designs were born in that workshop, to which Canals gradually dedicated more and more hours, until in February 2020 she founded the company.

Based in Barcelona, ??the company employs six people and outsources the production of jewelery to two workshops in Córdoba. For sales, it has its own online store, but also a significant presence in multi-brand stores, thanks to which it reaches nearly 20 countries. Wilhelmina Garcia also has three showrooms: one in Paris, one in London and another in New York.

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