In the United States, on average, there are over 30,000 fatal motor vehicle accidents per year, and almost 3000 of those accidents happen in Florida. This is a sobering statistic for anyone who uses a vehicle to travel, and a reason to pay attention and drive cautiously on any road.

Unfortunately, in this technologically advanced world, there are even more distractions available than ever before, particularly due to smartphone technology. Drivers are often distracted by their devices, and this can result in horrific accidents and death. Even in sunny Florida, one can be the victim of a motor vehicle accident.

Keep in mind, if you’re involved in an accident here in the Sunshine State, you’re going to need the assistance of a Florida accident attorney.

As many people are aware, several factors must be taken into consideration upon having an accident, and seeking out an attorney is usually amongst the first few actions. This article will explore situations that may call for enlisting legal counsel after an accident.

Uninsured Motorists

Many states require at least liability coverage in order to drive in the state legally. Though laws are in place, many motorists remain uninsured due to a variety of reasons. Back in 2015, of all the motorists in Florida, around 26% were uninsured, which means the chances of you meeting an accident with someone who is uninsured is quite high. During this type of situation, an at-fault party isn’t represented by an insurance company and will have to pay for the damages out of their own pocket.

If you’ve been involved in an accident and the at-fault party is uninsured, you may need to hire an attorney in order to get your damages paid for.

While this often means going to court, failure to legally pursue damage compensation will result in you having to pay for an accident that was someone else’s fault.

18-Wheeler Collisions

Collisions involving 18-wheeled vehicles are no laughing matter. In fact, these accidents are the most horrific due to the heavy weight of the vehicle combined with high speeds, as many big rigs on the road today carry around 80,000 pounds of cargo on average.

Additionally, when you’re involved in an accident with an 18-wheeler, an entirely different approach is recommended because the 18-wheeler driver’s employer has such a large insurance policy.

Often, these policies are worth as much as 50 times more than the average passenger vehicle, and these insurers are hesitant to pay out on small vehicle collisions. Even in Florida, the occurrence of these accidents often warrants the expertise of an attorney.

A Florida accident attorney knows the legal proceedings and channels that an 18- wheeler insurance provider will go through to circumvent having to pay for costly damages. By using an experienced attorney, you won’t be left without compensation should you endure an accident with one of these large vehicles.

Protect Yourself

Though many situations may warrant the use of an attorney, a lot of accident victims choose to try and handle the compensation on their own. Unless you know the legal and technical jargon used (and often manipulated) by insurance providers, you’ll be in for a fight if you choose to represent yourself in a court battle with well-funded insurance companies.

Accident attorneys are well-versed in the language used when faced with costly compensations and know how to get you the money needed to pay for your damages, time lost, or any other element of suffering endured.

With this in mind, it’s critical to protect yourself not only on the road but in court as well.