It is a good idea to obey the police when they ask you to keep to the ago.

the Police have, therefore, a clear invitation for car drivers. Don’t run away, for in the end, go it in addition to yourself.

Additionally it is a good idea to have track to have the car insured. It tells a police officer Vlado in the program ‘Politijagt,’ which is sent every Wednesday on Channel 5.

– now Hold up to brake. Now drag the into to ago. The father I simply do not. What it should however, help to slow down, exclaimed a frustrated Vlado in the program.

Just a lack of insurance is the case in the next section of the ‘Politijagten,’ where Vlado and his colleague Kim is on guard and running in a police car with a license plate scanner.

– the license Plate scanner detects where they are running along, whether it is in daylight or in the dark, so it is a really good utility. License plate scanner tells us that the car is not insured. If you do not have insurance on the car, so the counterparty is immediately difficult to get compensation, and you must so even sorting out a replacement.

In the program receive the two police officers along the way spot a suspicious car, which turns out not to have insurance. The motorist, however, will not, however, keep in to the side, and therefore must Vlado and Kim chase down the motorist intensely in an attempt to answer the question, why the driver has insured the car.