Transkvinden Laurel Hubbard’s impressive performance in weightlifting has once again set in motion a source of debate.

For transkvinders male physique and legitimacy in female sports is a topic that can get strong opinions to be broken, and where LGBTQ and women’s rights put arm.

Or lifting weights as Hubbard, which in each case has been the subject of much debate. The female weightlifters was biologically male and male weightlifters until 2012. Since then, she has reached quite to the top of the female end of the physically demanding discipline, as she won two out of three gold medals in last year’s Pacific Games.

Among other things, by lifting the 268 kg in the category +87 kg Total. It is a piece from the world record, as the reigning world champion from China, Li Wenwen, is inside with.

Anyway, it now has been more to question New Zealand’s Hubbard and other transkvinders the right to participate in sport, among other things, prior to the OLYMPICS this summer, as mr. Hubbard very well may qualify for.

Including the prominent former australian mellemdistanceløber Tamsyn Lewis, who believes that the discussion must be, before it runs out of control. It writes the Daily Mail

– If we don’t take a stand now, what should happen to the female sports? she asked.

– There are many who are afraid to go out and say something about it here because of political correctness, she said, by the same token.

Laurel Hubbard poses for the camera before a competition in 2018. Photo: Ritzau Scanpix

Hubbard’s victories and participation in the 2019’s Pacific Games also created a stir. Protests sounded from the home lobbyorganisationen ‘Speak Up For Women’, which has as its agenda to prevent transkvinder in to ‘distort’ competition in the kvindedisciplinerne, wrote Reuters.

Protesting was also Samoa’s prime minister Tuilaepa Aiono Financial Malielegaoui, which is at the head of a regime which does not just can be said to be particularly tolerant to neither transgender or homosexuality, which on paper still is illegal. And so he was probably also unhappy with the fact that Hubbard took gold medals from the hjemmebanefavoritten Feagaiga Stowers.