In the television program ‘Diesel Brothers’ reconstructs and develops, among other things bilentusiasterne David ‘Heavy D’ Spark, Joshua ‘Redbear’ Stuart and Keaton’s ‘The Muscle’ Hosing and the team at DieselSellerz pickup trucks with diesel engines, so they blare more and also pollute more.

Now, the people behind the tv program, which can also be seen in the Danish Dplay, owned by Discovery Networks, scored a fine of no less than 848.000 dollars, equivalent to approximately 5.6 million Danish kroner, to modify and market dieseltrucks, so they pollute more than the law allows.

It writes multiple media, among other and Fox13now.

It is the u.s. district judge Robert Shelby, who has given the fine at 848.000 dollars, because the ‘Diesel Brothers have messed with the fuel systems, so they emit more harmful substances than permitted.

In 2016, was the Diesel Brothers sued by the group Utah Physicians for a Healthy Environment’ for breaking the rules Countless of the Clean Air Act more than 400 times, and now the group behind the program, therefore, have been convicted in the case.

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the Judgment also means that three of the main characters in the programme, namely David ‘Heavy D’ Spark, Joshua ‘Redbear’ Stuart and Keaton’s ‘The Muscle’ Hosing, now that you’ve got a ‘lifetime’ ban to change or remove the systems, which control vehicle emissions.

According to one of the applicants emit the pickup truckene in the program 30 to 40 times more air pollution when they have been tampered with.

– Illegal separated and modified diesel cars have no place on our roads. Any business that not only earns money to do it, but that also glorifies the pollution, their work creates, must be held responsible, and that is what this decision does, ” says Brian Moench, according to the

On the Discovery Networks-owned you can see the two seasons of ‘the Diesel Brothers.

– In dieselbranchen is there no one who builds larger and more dirty pick-up trucks than DieselSellerz, it sounds in the description of the program on

the Extra Leaf has got the following comment from Discovery Networks.

– We are aware of the case and the decision. For opinions on the matter, we refer in the first instance, to their lawyers, informs Discovery Networks in an email response.

– We can see that the wording in the programteksten is unfortunate and can be perceived wrong. Therefore, we look right now at how we can adjust it, inform the.

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