One of the biggest concerns when we take our car to the workshop, especially when it has a problem that prevents its operation, is related to the price of the repair. Beyond having to do without the vehicle for daily trips, which for many people is a major inconvenience, the situation becomes even more complicated when we consider the economic impact that may arise from breakdowns.

Some repairs are very expensive and involve the expenditure of large amounts of money by having to replace essential parts of the vehicle or carry out specialized interventions. Without a doubt, one of these breakdowns that can even make us consider the possibility of changing cars is when the engine has seized.

Engine seizure is a mechanical failure caused by an excessive increase in temperature and lack of lubrication of the metal parts of the engine. It causes the moving parts of the engine to block or even melt. If this situation occurs, the engine block is irreparably damaged and leaves no alternative but to replace it.

The three most common causes are running out of oil, due to a leak or not checking the level; running out of antifreeze fluid, for the same reasons; and demand a lot from the engine without reaching service temperature or optimal lubrication conditions. To do this, it is necessary to avoid sudden acceleration, avoid demanding it when cold and use quality oil.

It is likely that, first of all, we will hear strange noises coming from the engine that are accompanied by the car’s loss of power. When you notice these symptoms, it is best to stop the vehicle in a safe place, turn off the engine and call assistance to have it checked at the workshop. At no time should we try to start the engine, since we would be subjecting it to even more stress without being able to start it.

It is also common for a lot of smoke and steam to start coming out of the engine, coming from the burned oil, the friction between cylinders and pistons and the coolant that has been introduced into the cylinder head. In the most extreme cases, especially in gasoline vehicles, the engine may catch fire.

Carrying out proper car maintenance helps to extend its useful life. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly check the oil level and replace the fluid and filters following the manufacturer’s guidelines, as well as replace the coolant within the periods indicated in the maintenance book. Under no circumstances should we mix two types of coolant liquid.

We must also not lose sight of the engine temperature indicator. If the red warning light comes on, indicating that the temperature is higher than recommended, we must stop the vehicle immediately. If we continue driving in these circumstances we expose ourselves to the head gasket burning out and then the engine seizing.

When an engine seizes, it can affect several elements, such as the piston or cylinders, the crankshaft, the bearings, the camshaft or the cylinder head. In any case, it will be necessary to disassemble the seized engine and clean or repair the affected parts. If they cannot be repaired, it is possible to exchange them for new or reconditioned ones.

However, if the engine is severely damaged, or not economically viable to repair, the entire engine will need to be replaced.

As previously mentioned, the fault that causes the engine to seize is one of the most expensive to repair. Various companies specialized in the administrative procedures involved in deregistering a vehicle agree that the price of the repair far exceeds 1,000 euros.

The cost of a rebuilt engine for a mid-range utility vehicle is around 1,600 euros and the cost of the repair increases in line with the category of the vehicle and its displacement. Taking into account that the price of a new engine is around 6,000 euros, at least, and can exceed 15,000 euros in larger displacement or high-end cars, it is best to use a scrapped, used or reconditioned engine. .