Half of all new businesses fail during the first five years of being open. With so much competition out there, business owners need to make sure they’re standing out and gaining loyal customers.

The first step is to increase your brand awareness. This is the process of getting customers to recognize your brand, and it’s vital to building brand loyalty and getting those much-needed repeat customers.

While there are many ways you can increase brand awareness, opting to incorporate gift cards for small businesses is one that’s often overlooked.

Don’t believe us? Keep reading to learn three important ways gift cards increase your brand awareness.

1. They’re Great Gifts

Word of mouth marketing is a great way to gain new customers. And you can give your existing customers a gentle nudge to do this by offering gift cards.

Let’s face it—gift cards are the ultimate go-to when you aren’t sure what to get somebody. If one of your customers had a great experience at your store and thinks their friend will too, they may choose to purchase a gift card for them. By doing so, they’re increasing your reach and exposing your brand to a whole new person.

2. They Can Be Raffle Prizes

People love when businesses are charitable. One of the easiest and most beneficial ways to get involved in charities is to donate gift cards as raffle prizes. If nobody approaches you about making a donation, don’t be afraid to look for local charity events and ask if they need another prize to give out.

Not only does this frame you as a charitable local business, but it also gets your name out to a ton of people. Every advertisement that mentions the prizes will have your name on it, so those attending the event as well as those just seeing the flyer will be exposed to your brand.

Just make sure you take your time looking at gift certificates templates. You want something professional that also fits well with your brand. This is especially true if your gift card will be on display at the event.

3. The Holder Will Visit Your Store

Gift cards themselves are great for brand awareness. But the act of visiting your store and buying something is even better.

People will be more likely to shop at your store if they have a gift card, especially if they’ve never been there before. After shopping around and seeing everything in person, they’ll have a stronger recognition of your brand. Of course, they’ll also be reminded of your business when they look at the item they purchased.

The Benefit of Gift Cards for Small Businesses

Don’t hesitate to offer gift cards at your store. Whether someone buys it as a gift or you donate one as a raffle prize, there’s no denying the benefit of gift cards for small businesses. Your brand awareness and sales will increase in no time!

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