Always having a clean car is not just an aesthetic issue. It is also a security issue, which is even more important. In addition to the satisfaction of driving around with a shiny, presentable car, we will be helping to ensure that the headlights and the sensors and cameras that currently equip the latest generation vehicles work correctly.

That is, the exterior maintenance of the car can be as important as the care we dedicate to mechanical issues, especially when it comes to a vehicle that has sensors that intervene in driving assistance systems (ADAS).

For example, the cameras or radars that many cars already equip, to control speed and distance in the permitted semi-autonomous driving modes, may stop working or work incorrectly if they are dirty. And visibility, of course, will always be much better in a car with a shiny windshield and glass.

We must be especially careful when we go to beach areas, with the presence of sand and, above all, an element as corrosive as saltpeter. And on long trips on the highway, insects hit the bodywork and windows.

Most car care and cleaning experts advise carrying out at least weekly cleaning to avoid compromising safety and avoiding damage to glass, bodywork and upholstery that can be caused by the presence of salt and sand in the vehicle.

The use of appropriate products for each surface, anti-mosquito shampoo and wax, respecting all phases of washing, and paying attention to the underside, rims and tires, are among the main recommendations.

It should be remembered, at the same time, that washing your car on the street is prohibited and is grounds for financial penalties. Instead, it is advisable to clean vehicles in professional facilities, preferably with a water recycling system. In addition to being legal, it is much more ecological.

It is also important to avoid washing the car during times of maximum sun exposure and high temperatures. On beach days we will have to wash the car more regularly in order to eliminate the prolonged presence of salt and sand.

When we get ready to wash our car, we must first clean the interior of the vehicle. To do this, we must shake and vacuum the mats, in addition to using mat washing machines to prevent the appearance of bacteria in the car.

After thoroughly vacuuming the interior of the vehicle, proceed to clean the upholstery and dashboard with appropriate products that protect each type of surface and revive the original colors.

We must then clean the exterior of the vehicle, avoiding the use of abrasive cloths and sponges, as well as removing dry stains such as insect remains and bird droppings.

And before starting the prewash, you must do a quick rinse with water to cool the surface of the car if it is very hot.

Experts insist on the need to respect all washing phases (prewash, wash, rinse, wax and dry). Pre-wash programs with pressurized water are essential to soften all the dirt so that it can be removed more easily.

Even when the vehicle is not very dirty, they are advisable in order to eliminate all types of oils, dust and organic remains and thus protect the car body and other components.

In the case of washing in automatic bridges, a program with high pressures is recommended to first eliminate the sand before it comes into contact with the brushes. If the automatic machine does not have this option, it is recommended to do a quick pre-wash with a high-pressure gun in the box before introducing the vehicle into the bridge or the car wash.

A dirty windshield or a front grill full of insects after a long trip on the highway is very obvious to detect. This is not the case with the underside of the car, the rims and tires, where dirt frequently accumulates.

Likewise, you must take care of the condition and cleanliness of the windshield wiper rubber, since they frequently break due to heat. Periodically soaking them and using a cloth to remove any substance and facilitate subsequent drying also contributes to improving safety. Ours and that of all the occupants of the vehicle.

And, finally, we should not dry the car while driving so that new dirt does not adhere, nor let it dry in the sun to avoid the appearance of stains.

Car cleaning in professional facilities generates less water consumption and is not polluting. Sonia Royo, from Istobal, advises “washing the vehicle in facilities that have water recycling systems, which can recycle up to 100% of the water used. With this, the environmental impact is minimized.”

On the other hand, Royo recommends pressure washing centers that incorporate an ozone system in water. In this way, optimal washing quality is achieved, effective and sustainable, without the need for hot water and with a notable reduction in chemical elements.