Too much sun and alcohol can increase one to the head. Maybe it was the case for a Danish family of 18 persons, who, after a wet night in the hotel bar were kicked out from their hotel in Alanya

the Complainant in this case in the Package-the Board of appeal would in any case be compensated for having to find a new hotel for the last four days of the holiday with his large family.

According to the complainant started it all, as a part of the family’s adults sat down together by the pool area and got some drinks. At a time in the festive gathering to get his stepson is bad.

‘He certainly has had enough to drink at this time and a combination of a little too much alcohol in the body and a long day with lots of sun makes him ill at ease. A short time after plunging he up, but he manages to actually grab the shirt and use it as a bag to keep opkasten’, writes complainant in his interpretation of the case for Package-Board.

See also: Young skifyre was thrown out of the hotel: Now they get big compensation

But it so happens that according to the complainant, something unexpected. An excited man, who it turns out is hotelmanageren, comes rushing and asks stepson to leave the hotel. Here escalates the situation.

‘I mix myself in the discussion/fracas on the in my eyes very hard to eviction and trying to get the pitch down on all sides. Both my sons-in-law and hotelmanagerne talking with big words and get shouted both ways’, writes the complainant, among other things.

‘the Man is now so furious and quick-tempered, and that has gradually accumulated around 10-15 staff around him. We feel threatened, and when I sense that it may end physically, then I put myself between my sons and hotelmanageren and says STOP’.

See also: Complaints of hard cycling holiday: Was set

In the complainant’s interpretation, all six ejected from the hotel immediately. They, however, are allowed to stay until the next morning, when the clock is around midnight.

the Next morning, only three of the 18 family members who are being expelled. The rest of the family can stay in the hotel, but the two sons-in-law and stepson to leave the hotel.

the Family wishes to be together, therefore, leaving all 18 people the hotel to find a new one. The family has summoned the guides from the tour operator Deturs, which they have purchased the journey, but when the guide will arrive next morning at 9:30, the family has already left the hotel.

the Complainant will of the Deturs have recovered 12.800 Danish kroner, which he paid for the last four nights at the hotel.

See also: Complaints in the group: There are too many!

In Deturs the presentation of the case, the story is a bit different.

‘According to the hotel were three persons from your travel agent initially asked to keep up with the drinking, because they were affected. Unfortunately, this did not happen. One of the characters then threw up in the pool area, after which the hotel asked the three persons to go to bed and sleep. The two of them then became angry and aggressive and said that they would not, and they suggested that the third had been sick of the hotel food. The two were also violent towards other guests, after which it was decided that they should leave the hotel. It should be stressed that this is just the version. Since we were not present, we do not know what has happened – we can only say that the hotel has the right to throw guests out if they do not respect ordensreglerne’, writes Detur for Package-Board.

Detur will therefore not repay 12.800 dollars to the complainant.

See also: Danish travel agency refuses to pay for the cancelled trip

Cases with conflicting evidence, which can not be proved, may be rejected by the Package-Board. This case was no exception.

‘Then, in the light of the parties’ conflicting information is a significant uncertainty about the course of events, will find the Board of appeal, that it is necessary to be able to take a position on the complainant’s claim that the parties provide testimony under penalty of perjury. Such evidence may not, however, be an Appeal, but only by a court of justice’, writes to the Board of appeal and dismiss the case.

the Complainant was therefore not upheld.