Finding a place to park your car on the street is a complicated task, whether in a big city or a small town, and even more so in a white zone. There are those who have their tricks to get a place in the desired place.

For example, if the family unit has two vehicles, alternating them is an option to always have a fixed place in the parking lot. Another option is the one offered by TikTok user Loeches_55 in a video that has gone viral and has accumulated nearly 800,000 views.

The struggle to find a free space to park the car becomes an odyssey, forcing drivers to leave their vehicles at considerably distant distances or take endless turns. Street parking congestion and fierce competition for free spaces are common problems in a city where space is at a premium.

The titktoker’s proposed solution is to leave a full garbage bag in the center of the parking space, in the hope that it will act as an informal marker and deterrent to other drivers. In his video, the user comments with humor: “We left a bag an hour ago to see if they wouldn’t take our place. A truck has parked… oh no, no, the bag is there. Will they give us the C1 of “What’s wrong with this? Because it’s still here.”

The hack has generated a wave of reaction on social media, racking up more than 20,000 likes and triggering a barrage of comments with users sharing their own creative strategies for securing their parking space.

“My friend was carrying a yellow spray and painted a yellow area,” confessed a user of the platform. “I took advantage of some construction signs and moved them,” added another. “The guy at the fruit store on my street left a lot of empty boxes until a neighbor got tired, removed them in front of him and parked,” commented another Internet user.