Adding a trailer to the car is an option that many drivers choose at specific times to expand the cargo space. Generally, this is a very common situation during holiday periods when the trunk of the car is insufficient to carry excess luggage. It is also common to use a trailer to transport bulky objects, such as another vehicle, a caravan or a boat, as we have all seen on the road at some time, especially in summer.

When transporting cargo in the car trailer, it is very important to take into account the arrangement of the packages and secure them properly to guarantee safety during the trip. Incorrectly distributing the weights can cause the trailer and the car to become unstable while driving and cause an accident.

In a video posted on Facebook by the user Marvin Mancia we can observe the consequences of carrying the load poorly distributed. The experiment is carried out with a miniature car and trailer moving along a conveyor belt. However, this didactic test serves as an example so that we can observe how the movements of the car change according to the distribution of the load on the trailer.

The images are revealing enough for us to realize that in no case should we concentrate the weight of the load on the back of the trailer. In these circumstances, when the author of the video hits the trailer -which in real conditions could be caused by a strong gust of wind or a hit by range-, we can see how the whole loses stability with the consequent danger it represents for the road safety.

The General Directorate of Traffic (DGT) indicates that the load must be secured so that it cannot be dragged or moved in a dangerous way and that the weight must be distributed evenly. Mapfre recommends that the center of gravity be just in front of the trailer wheels and as low as possible, so that in no case should we concentrate the weight on the back of the trailer.

In this video posted by SocialDrive on its Twitter account, we can see how a truck loses stability on the highway. It appears that the lack of vehicle control does not appear to be due to driver negligence or a blown tire. It could rather be caused by poor weight distribution of the load on the trailer. This is stated by the driver of the vehicle that precedes him, that if he were the author of the video, as it seems, he would be committing an offense for manipulating the mobile phone at the wheel, which entails a fine of 200 euros and the loss of 6 points from the license.

In the video it can be seen how the truck that loses stability drives normally in the right lane until suddenly the trailer starts to meander and invades the shoulder. The driver finds himself unable to control the vehicle, which ends up also encroaching on the adjacent lane with the luck that no other car is driving in it at that moment. Finally, the trucker manages to gain control of the steering wheel and stands on the shoulder with the intention of stopping.

When driving with a trailer we must take into account that it is necessary to adopt a series of preventive measures, since there are various factors that affect driving. It is necessary to increase the braking distance by 15-20% due to the inertia of the extra mass.

At the same time it is convenient to take the curves with a greater opening of the turn because the trailer describes a different trajectory depending on the radius of the same. As the mass of the vehicle increases, we must adjust the tire pressure following the manufacturer’s advice.

Driving with a trailer has specific speed limits, which on highways and motorways is 90 km/h. On conventional roads, the maximum speed allowed is 80 km/h. Likewise, it must be borne in mind that the effect of gusts of wind, already dangerous in themselves, are increased when towing a trailer.

It is very important not to forget this when overtaking a truck in crosswind situations, since it can cause a deviation from the trajectory. Although the car may be sheltered from the wind due to the presence of the truck, the trailer is completely unprotected from this barrier and is more vulnerable to gusts of air.

To carry a light trailer, you need a class B (car) permit. On the other hand, if we intend to transport a caravan or load something heavy such as a boat, it is necessary to extend the B permit with the B-96 authorization that allows carrying a trailer of more than 750 kg with a vehicle of up to 3,500 kg of maximum authorized mass.

If the trailer limits the field of vision of the mirrors, it is mandatory to install additional mirrors that increase the driver’s visibility.