The farmers’ protest in Catalonia has intensified, with a day in which there have been repeated road closures and traffic disruptions on eleven different roads, including the AP-7 and the N-II near Pontós ( Alt Emporda). The group blocking these two roads even threatens to make the mobilization permanent if the Ministry of Climate Action and Rural Environment does not accede to its demands.

Among them are the change of name of the department so that it is called Agriculture, Branch and Fisheries again and the dismissal of the president of the ACA, Samuel Reyes, as well as his number two, Jordi Molist. The spokesperson for the Revolta Pagesa platform, Martí Planas, describes the offers that the department has made to them so far as a “joke”, reports ACN.

The closure of the N-II and AP-7 in Pontós began on Tuesday around twelve-thirty in the morning and will continue until the farmers’ demands are met. This morning the sector requested an urgent meeting with the advisor of Acció Climàtica, David Mascort, – who did not attend the meeting held on Tuesday – but this has not happened either.

After a meeting with French farmers where they read a joint manifesto, those gathered have decided that the protest will continue indefinitely. They want the demands made by the group to be met and, until this happens, they will not move. At around 6 p.m. this Wednesday, the A-2 roads continue to be cut as they pass through Soses and Tàrrega (Lleida) and the A-22 through Almacelles (Lleida), reports the Servei Català de Trànsit (SCT).