It will be a great load for the police, to the Danish borders will be closed from Saturday at 12 o’clock. And it means that other tasks get ignored when the police, in cooperation with the Defense to guard the borders.

this is a message from Claus Oxfeldt, the chairman of the Politiforbundet, who organizes the Danish police officers.

– of Course it can be solved. But it means that other tasks can not be solved.

– It is clear that there are other tasks, which are largely being ignored even more than in advance, says Claus Oxfeldt.

According to Claus Oxfeldt, it becomes ‘virtually all of the other tasks’, as the police will have to downgrade. But, for example personfarlig crime will still have high priority with the police.

Prime minister Mette Frederiksen (S) has on Friday evening at a press conference announced that the Danish borders will temporarily close from Saturday at 12 o’clock.

the Danes have the still allowed to enter the country, but others must have a ‘creditable purpose’ in order to get access.

the Closure means to be introduced border controls. It applies to and after easter, which is the 13. april. It happens to curb the spread of the coronavirus.

Claus Oxfeldt stresses that there is a full understanding of the measure and that he did not have any negative comments.

– But the cost of ressourcekontoen. It would be naïve to say otherwise. It will, because there must be a border all the sites in Denmark, and it is not just random checks.

– So it will indeed draw resources, he says.

When the borders are closed, it means that persons coming to Copenhagen Airport or another Danish border, will be asked to return if they do not have a valid reason to enter.

A ‘creditable purpose’ may be, for example, that you live, work or supply the goods to Denmark. It can also be people who have an acute reason to visit close family members.

It is the police and military, there are going to be to control the borders.

Danish nationals can still cross the border, like that also can come among other things, food and medicine into Denmark.