The Netherlands does not cease in its efforts to promote the use of bicycles, to the point that Dutch commuters are rewarded with 0.23 euros per kilometer to make the journeys to work. It is not the only initiative of the Dutch government, which has just approved the construction of solar cycle lanes with a double objective: promoting sustainable mobility and investing in the production of renewable energy.

Starting next Monday, the construction of a “solar bike lane” will begin along the N285 provincial road, between the A16 and Wagenberg. There, about 600 solar panels will be installed, which will be integrated into the top layer of asphalt over a length of approximately 500 meters, according to local authorities.

In addition to the N285 provincial road lane, another small section has been planned along the N395, near Oirschot; and along the N324, near Grave.

It is not a large extension, barely half a kilometer, although the promoters of this initiative hope that it will serve as a test for future facilities with greater capacity. “How does the material hold up, what does it require in terms of maintenance, what are the experiences of cyclists with this road surface and what is the energy efficiency?” are just some of the questions they hope to answer in the next five years. of measurements.

The authorities say that the advantage of this new technique is the double use of space: use of the same space for both mobility and power generation. “By generating clean energy in this way, space is saved that is needed for windmills or solar meadows, for example,” they point out.

“This project is mainly aimed at gaining more experience with solar cell technology in bike paths”, explain the promoters. And most importantly: “Solar bike paths ensure that the available space is used optimally and at the same time produces sustainable energy. In this way it contributes to the climate objectives.”

The construction of the solar bike path in Wagenberg is part of a larger and more ambitious project, called Zon op Infra, which is progressing slowly. The aim is to join forces between various provinces of North Brabant, South Holland and North Holland to invest in this type of technology.