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Households resist the inflationary blow and manage to raise their savings rate to maximum levels. Quite a merit if you take into account the increase in the shopping basket, fuels, mortgages, supplies… The key is in restraint, comparing prices in search of the best offers and making the most of the money you have. win.

Without stop. The price of oil continues unabated and sharpens the rise in prices in the month of September. Inflation is climbing nine tenths, up to 3.5%, forcing many households to tighten their belts, for which it can be helpful to know which supermarkets are the most economical.

Everything goes up. In addition to the barrel of crude oil, mortgages are becoming more expensive. Buying a flat with bank financing has become an odyssey, although there are still some attractive offers on the market, but few. This is what banking offers.

Drop by drop. However, before making the leap into the mortgage market, you must have a good cushion. Spanish households are moving well in this area, as shown by the fact that their savings rate shot up to 20% of their disposable income in the second quarter of the year. Containment is basic and also knowing how to invest well.

Multiply. A great ally to make money profitable in recent months has been, without a doubt, fixed income. And specifically star products such as Treasury bills and the Spanish bond. In the latter case, profitability exceeds 4% for the first time in a decade. A performance that is not inconsiderable, although we must not lose sight of other formulas to get the most out of the money.

Making savings profitable is good, but it is even better when the money arrives unexpectedly, as will happen to the 3.5 million public employees who will receive a ‘pay’, because inflation has been higher than expected. . The extra, however, will be a maximum of 0.5%.

While some get paid, others have to pay. This is the case of taxpayers who must pay the tax on large fortunes. A tribute that fails to match the efforts of the highest incomes by communities. Thus, Catalonia still earns 25% more than Madrid in wealth taxes.