A large number of drivers decide to decorate their cars with stickers and other adhesives. These are accessories that show the personality and tastes of the person behind the wheel, and can also help distinguish the vehicle.

As a general rule, the stickers are usually from music groups, football teams, or even associations. Of course, there are some stickers whose meaning is unknown; This is the case of the fish-shaped sticker.

Despite what it may seem at first glance, drivers whose vehicles have a fish symbol do not belong to a fishing club. Its meaning is deeper, and its origin dates back to the Roman Empire.

The symbol is made up of a fish known as Ichthys, associated with Christianity. It is one of the most popular symbols of the New Testament, since it is present in countless stories such as the miracle of the multiplication of the loaves and fishes.

Likewise, around the 2nd century the use of the drawn fish began to take on great meaning in Christianity, which is why its followers of this faith began to use it to identify each other secretly.

In this way, the Ichthys became a symbol associated with Christianity, so people who place this sticker on their car are confirming their beliefs. Gone are the days of rosaries or images of saints on the dashboard, now stickers are in fashion.