Although the students at Rysensteen Gymnasium in Copenhagen should not be meeting in school on Monday morning, release the not for the education of the reason.

high School takes namely alternative teaching methods in use, while it is temporarily closed due to coronaviruses.

It tells the headmaster at the Rysensteen Gymnasium Gitte Transbøl.

– the Closure has the clear consequence that we should try to be really skilled to virtual teaching in a ruf.

– We must try to keep our students in time, so far as it is possible, says Gitte Transbøl.

She is quite confident in relation to the mission, despite the fact that virtual education is ‘relatively new’ to the pupils as well as teachers.

the high School has been temporarily closed, after the identification of coronaviruses by two students, with no connection to each other.

the Closure is done after dialogue with the Danish Agency for Patient safety.

Gitte Transbøl do not know how long the temporary closure applies, or what is required, before students may again meet in the school. High school act out the messages it gets from the agency, says.

the Closure comes under the circumstances at a convenient time, tell the dean.

– It is a bit fortunate – in each of the 3. g’the part. In this week they go to terminsprøve, and we can well establish the virtual framework of.

And in the next week to the home and write a big writing assignment. That missing only the very last guide, and this can also take place virtually. So it is, in fact, after all, a bit lucky, says Gitte Transbøl.

Less convenient is it for 1. g'(s) and 2. g’s in high school, where the closure may have implications for the teaching of eksamensfag.

the high School will try to make a plan for how it can be obtained.

For Gitte Transbøl it is a somewhat unfamiliar situation. So she can’t say anything about how long high school can actually afford to have closed.

– We must surely all find that it must go over as soon as possible for learning’s sake, she says.

Students are encouraged to avoid to gather in larger groups at the high school. There are barely 1000 students at the school.

At the beginning of last week, a student found to be contaminated with the coronavirus. The same was a other student in the weekend.

After the first case was a number of students and teachers sent in quarantine. But the new case has led to the fact that the school is completely closed temporarily.