the Government announces Tuesday that it will temporarily extend the corporate term of payment for settling the vat, as well as defer tax payments.

It will, according to the finance minister, Nicolai Wammen (S) and general, rasmussen, Morten Bødskov (S) increase Danish companies ‘ liquidity, with respectively 35 and 90 billion dollars.

– We can help by saying, that in the coming months, there is 125 billion dollars, which businesses otherwise would have paid in the check, as they do not have to pay into, says Nicolai Wammen at a press conference in the ministry of Finance.

we will give some air to that the best can get through the crisis here.

– It is a very large amount, it is not something to do with light hand. When we do, it is because it is necessary, he says.

the Actions happens as a result of the development with corona virus, which has caused uncertainty about the enterprises ‘ liquidity.

– the Day has come to use one of the great tools we have. What we present today is førstebølgen. There will be more, says Nicolai Wammen.

the Deadline for large companies ‘ vat payments will be extended by 30 days for three monthly instalments – the payments for march, april and may.

With the big companies is meant companies with an annual vat turnover of over 50 million dollars.

It is estimated with uncertainty to strengthen the liquidity of companies with approximately 35 billion dollars, communicate to the government.

the deadline for Payment of A tax and the AM-contribution (labour market contribution tax, ed.) be extended temporarily with the four months of three monthly payments in april, may and June.

overall strength of corporate liquidity, with 90 million dollars in four months.

It is being investigated whether afgiftsperioderne for small and medium-sized enterprises can be extended.

– the Situation with coronavirus creates a number of quite concrete economic consequences for our businesses, that we can feel in the here and now, says trade and industry minister Simon Kollerup (S).

– It is about whether there is money to pay expenses, while revenue fails to appear, he says.