If you will be away from his family, so it is always a good idea to go to the police.

And that was exactly it, the dog Chico did when he was away from his family, writes the Mirror.

the Ushers at the local police station in Texas in the UNITED states were pleasantly surprised by their soft friend. Chico was walking quite calmly into the police station, and placed my paws up on the counter, as if he would report himself.

Chico managed to sneak out of the police station without the officers discovered him. Photo: Texas Police

One of the first officers, who met the dog was Rusty Martin, who pleasantly helped the dog find its owner.

He seemed not unhappy to have been away, telling the police officer.

– It was as if he was just gone for a walk in the neighborhood, and so had decided to drop by the police station in order to lighten betjentenes day, he told.

the Officers of the local police, assured that Chico got lots of love and attention, while the officers worked feverishly to find the dog owner.

– We had a tennis ball that we threw a little in the lobby. We were all wild with him, tell Rusty Martin.

But it turned out not to be so easy to find pelsdyrets owner. Chicos nameplate was the fall of the collar. Therefore, dyreværnet summoned to the police station, to see if the dog had a microchip, so it could be determined who owned the dog.

In the meantime, while the police waited for the dyreværnet, had Chico managed to slip away from the police station – without any cops had noticed it.

Fortunately, the wise dog found the home on your own. Chicos owner had, according to police written to them, and told me that Chico had come safe home to his house, which is located about 1.6 kilometers from the station.