If you have a flat-screen tv, it takes no damage, if you often switch off at the power outlet. But you have an old billedrørsfjernsyn connected to a videoptager, can kanalindstillingerne disappear.

the Electronics and your settings in the tv will not be damaged by, you turn off at the wall socket – whether you are receiving cable or satellite tv, and whether you have a set-top-box or smart tv with built-in or loose hard drive.

Have you programmed your tv to record a tv program or a tv series – because you are out of town or otherwise away from your home – uncoupler, however, you the shooting mode, if you turn off completely the power supply for your tv.

in turn, saves you virtually nothing on your electric bill, if you turn on the switch for a newer tv. Newer tv sets – flat panel displays from around 2009 (when the analogue tv signal was switched off), and forward to today – the use of less and less electricity, both in operation and on standby. Still recommends the Dea, that you always turn off electronic appliances completely, so you avoid unnecessary standby power.

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the Myth that your tv can not bear to be switched off is derived from the time, we had billedrørsfjernsyn and a video recorder connected. Some vcrs could lose the channel settings and timer recordings when the unit was disconnected from the power source.

Around 2005, there was also still some digital satellite receivers – parabolmodtagere – which could lose their features/settings, if you turned off the switch, and it could take a few hours to re-establish them.

today, all your tv settings either in an internal/external hard drive, or remotely at the provider of cable or satellite tv. And they will be quickly restored, if you had turned off the switch.

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Since 7. January 2010, it has not been allowed to import or produce electronic appliances have a standby consumption of more than 1 watt. Stores are however allowed to sell the products, so long as they are in stock.

there Is talk on networked appliances, they are not covered by the requirement to 1 watt in the standby consumption.

energy efficient flat-screen tvs typically use 0.1 to 0.3 watt in standby power – which is equivalent to a cost for power at 1-4 kr. of the year.

Source: the Engineer

Out of ca. 5.6 million television sets, found in Denmark in the beginning of 2015, is the 600,000 old sets with cathode ray tubes. Many of these are either used rarely – as 2., 3. or 4. appliance in the household, or is stored in a basement or a garage. The rest of the devices are flat panel displays of newer date, ca. 4 million is purchased from 2008 onwards.

the Difference on the electricity consumption for a flat-screen tv (with a screen of plasma, LCD or OLED) and a tv with the cathode ray tube is significant.

A calculation from 2011, conducted by Industry Consumer Electronics (BFE), shows that a crt tv from 2005 on 32 inch had a driftsforbrug of 130-150 kWh and a standby consumption of 3 to 6 kWh, while a LCD flat panel from 2011 in the 42 inch only had a driftsforbrug of 50-70 kWh and a standby consumption of 0,01-0,3 kWh.

Thus used billedrørsfjernsynet twice as much power in operation and more than 1,000 percent more in standby power.

the Standby consumption of a flat panel display, purchased within the last 4-6 years, typically cost only 2-4 kr. of the year. So there is not much to save by switching off the switch or disconnect your tv – or more fladskærmsapparater – on a elspareskinne.

a nearby thunderstorm on the way to your dwelling, you will achieve the best protection by taking the plug on all electronic devices such as computer, tv, hard disk recorder, stereo, etc. Also, remember to take the network connector out of the computer, as a violent power surges can also go through the telephone network (you have fibre, there is not this risk, since the fibre is not live).

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