While virtually all football competitions around the world has been put on pause because of the corona virus, was on Sunday still played professional football in several places in Brazil.

It was, however, in each case in a case during the protests. The team Gremios players thus went on the field wearing masks of discontent over having to play a showdown in the regional delstatsmesterskab.

the Signal from Grêmio players reached the seemingly up to the country’s fodboldspidser.

The Brazilian Football confederation (CBF) have thus given some of the tournaments it organises, on pause indefinitely. The case of the brazilian cup, the top two rows in female football as well as two ungdomsturneringer.

This writes the news agency Reuters.

The national leagues within herrefodbold – Series A to D starts in early may and are so far not affected.

It makes delstatsmesterskaberne know, I don’t. They are in progress now and will be organised by the regional football association. It is up to them to decide what to do with the conduct of the fighting, saith the CFB.

Grêmio and all the other teams must therefore wait a little even on a clarification.

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