in recent days, Denmark has been on the other end, after the prime minister Mette Frederiksen on Wednesday evening came out, that Denmark is more or less closed down as a consequence of the large spread of the coronavirus.

Although Mette Frederiksen made clear that it was not necessary to hoard in the country’s supermarkets, got the message yet thousands of danes to come out to trade and tear, among other toilet paper down from the shelves.

It has in recent days given rise to much criticism from a large number of danes – including a number of well-known.

Among the other comedian Anders ‘Second’ Matthesen, who on Thursday came with a challenge to the danes.

– Why have you not more, Anders? Yes, I got to know that we were going to take it quietly. So I thought, we do it well all together. There could one be the wiser, says Anders Matthesen in a video that he has shared on his social media.

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Now all the talk about hoarding also got the ‘X Factor’host Sofie Linde to the keys on his Instagram. Here she comes in a video with a clear call to the danes.

by the same token, she tells about an experience she had when she was out shopping on Friday morning.

– this morning I was down, and act, and saw something that I would very much like to share with you. While I stand and trades, so I hear suddenly a woman, who cries: ‘I am the mother of seven, hell”, says Sofie Linde in the video and continues:

And then I go to the other side of the walk, I stand in, and there stands a woman and crying over his shopping cart, which is filled to the brim with goods. While she has gone and acted, there are people who have shouted ‘egoist’, and there are people who have pushed to her wagon, and she is the mother of seven, and acting just as she does usually. Now we are where we need to stand together. It was mentioned many times, and it does so both ways.

Sofie Linde continues to tell that she herself was one of them, who came to hoard, after statministeren had announced that Denmark would basically shut down.

– As our wise and wonderful prime minister said at her press conference, so we are on unfamiliar territory, and we will commit mistakes? Yes. That is how it is, when you go into a new reality, as we do, and it’s spooky and scary, ” she says, and continues:

I got into it here gear shift of a new way of living in a very maria way. I was out with some girlfriends. We had some wine and was smÃ¥berusede and kogede, and suddenly runs a lady over, who cries out that society is closing down from tomorrow, and that we need to act, and we have not had our mobiles promotion, so we have not seen Mette Frederiksen’s press conference, so we follow, of course, for her, she says further.

You can see the whole Sofie Linde video below:

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A spread shared by S O F E L a N D E (@sofielinde1) the

Therefore ended up Sofie Linde suddenly in the supermarket, where she, in company with a lot of other danes threw one goods for the other down in his basket.

– I’m missing diapers, and I get traded in the east and the west. I get on the back edge of the made a story (on Instagram, ed.), where we laugh a little, and that is because, we think, that so took the trip to the city, suddenly a twist. It is because we do not know the extent of the situation, but we’re called by our men, which tells that this is serious. People hoard and are in a panic, people are scared, and I pills, of course my story down, and I have been wildly embarrassed. But it was not something I did to be an evil man. It was actually a misunderstanding. I have of course addressed to me, after all Mette Frederiksen’s calls ever since, says Sofie Linde.

Sofie Linde is not going to stand on the ‘X Factor’stage on Friday evening. TV2 has chosen to postpone it because of coronaviruses. Photo: Martin Sylvest/Ritzau Scanpix

Her own experience in the supermarket has gotten her to think about things, and therefore, she uses his platform to come up with a direct call to the danes:

– With this lookup, I would urge that we stand together. In the here time we need to expect the best of each other. I encourage you to look after your own shop when you are down to trade instead of keeping an eye on what everyone else is doing, for each person coming with each of its starting point. I have made mistakes, you are going to make mistakes. That is how it is, says Sofie Linde.

Since Sofie Linde has uploaded the video, it is passed in with flattering comments. Both from well-known danes and other of Sofie Linde’s followers. Here shelves the Sofie Linde for her honesty and openness.

‘You are simply the most amazing public person. You are always a ground model, no matter what you do, from dancing with the lovely deller, to the menstrual period at 2. the day to coronaviruses. A true star. Thank you for you!’, write a woman for example.

‘Well brølt. You are simply great’, writes another.

Ekstra Bladet has tried to get a comment from Sofie Linde, but her manager reports that she does not have additional comments for the advertisement.