I urge people to raise their money.

– the Bank should not make money on our money and give themselves fat salaries at our expense..

See also: Concrete-Per has saved 558.000-up: the Bank’s letter makes him crazy

How to write Henrik C in one of the 89 comments that are written on the nation! on the negative interest rates, more and more Danish banks are now offering their opsparingsglade customers. And Henrik is not the only one who think that banks earn enough money today.

See also: Sydbank lowers the threshold for negative interest rates

the Banks have insane profits, but they are greedy, writes Lars K so, and Tonny H proposes that the state make a bank, where you can he his money standing without pay:

– It is time to demand a state-owned bank.

– Why should we be forced to use a privately-owned company as a napper of our inventory, without any kind of service other than to have access to our own money, writes Nicholas H. and the paint S on:

– You have to conclude that the banks have negative value to the customers.

– Other options should be offered, possibly a statsbank, so that citizens can be sure that their wages don’t lose value.

– And that they do not pay for the pigs in suits in the banks, write paint, but what do you say?

If all banks introduced the same limit for negative deposit rates as Jyske Bank, would a part be affected

If all banks introduced negative interest rates and set the ceiling at 250.000 dollars, would more than 700,000 bank customers will be affected.

See here, how many people have more than 250,000 crowns standing in the bank:

* 250.000-299.999: 124.177.

* 300.000-349.999: 94.865.

* 350.000-399.999: 74.669.

* 400.000-449.999: 60.112.

* 450.000-499.999: 48.339.

* 500.000-749.999: 148.699.

* 750.000-999.999: 69.122.

* 1.000.000-1.999.999: 80.310.

* 2.000.000-7.499.000: 27.743.

* 7.500.000-9.999.999: 794.

* 10.000.000-24.999.999: 931.

* 25.000.000 and over: 225.

– total 729.986 persons.

(the Numbers are from the end of 2018)

Source: Statistics Denmark,
