‘Circular economy’ is an expression that is being decisively incorporated into the vocabulary of a society that is increasingly active in protecting the environment and fighting climate change. The construction sector is not left out of this new vision of social reality and is working on the integration of the circular economy not only in its philosophy but in the day-to-day of its activity.

To reflect on the role of the sector in the face of this great social challenge and present the concrete actions that are being carried out, a dozen experts, technicians and representatives of companies and institutions will participate on September 27 in the III Circular Construction Forum of Grupo Construcía and La Vanguardia, which will take place from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the historic La Pedrera building, in Barcelona. The welcome to the event will be given by Enric Sierra, deputy director of La Vanguardia, and Arturo Fernández, Co-CEO and founder of Grupo Construcía.

This year’s meeting will focus attention on the need to integrate intentions, design, strategy and actions to achieve tangible results; the need to protect natural capital through the effective use of resources and the evolution of construction towards a model that improves the future rather than putting it at risk.

These topics will occupy the round tables organized at the meeting that is held coinciding with the tenth anniversary of Grupo Construcía’s commitment to the change of model towards the circular economy. After 20 years of carrying out its activity and 10 of working on the transformation of its business model towards the circular economy in all its activities, Grupo Construcía and the companies that make it up – Construcía (pioneer in circular construction), Eco Intelligent Growth ( Circular Economy consultancy Cradle to Cradle, Cradle to Cradle Certified® Accredited Assessment Body), Construcía Facilities, Circular Capital (impact investment management) and Dear Planet (brand communication spaces) -, put the focus back on action and they invite experts, institutions and citizens to reflect on the many progress achieved in this decade, but, above all, on the path that still remains to be followed. With this objective, the day will have a development divided into three round tables.

After an unprecedented summer with accelerated desertification and melting of ice, the biosphere expresses the urgency of adopting a radically different and integrative perspective. The design of products, buildings and urban systems must look at the entire life cycle. We cannot continue building without taking into account adaptation to climate change, recovery of materials, water management, protection of ecosystems

What is the key for human activities to act effectively in the global system? How to adopt the right perspective in companies? How is an integrated and integrative strategy built with a system vision?

In an open dialogue with designers, sustainability and strategy managers from leading companies of different profiles, experience-based perspectives will be explored to inspire solutions applicable throughout the construction value chain.

Building involves using resources and the construction sector is responsible for approximately one third of the total consumption of raw materials on the planet. Is construction compatible with the protection of biodiversity? How to avoid the extraction of raw materials? Is a “0 waste” construction feasible?

The new paths proposed by circular construction propose a way for the use of resources, which can open the door to radical change. This session will investigate new solutions and systemic approaches that integrate the protection of natural capital as a key to success.

Despite increased efforts to reduce CO2 emissions, the construction sector is far behind in its roadmap of environmental objectives set for 2050.

What are the insurmountable limits that the real estate and construction sector must respect for there to be a future for humanity? Will the sector be able to adapt to the pace necessary to generate change? Is there real awareness and will on the part of investors?

From the evolution of European regulations to the challenges for carbon-intensive industries, the construction sector faces great challenges from which it cannot escape. In the final session, they will be put on the table, bluntly.