the 20-year-olds will die of trivial diseases and drowning in their own secretions.

this is the sound of dommedagsprofetien in a blog post from the practitioner in Sindal Iza Alfredsen. The blog post is at the time of writing shared more than 4000 times on Facebook and read by more than 600,000 danes.

On his blog ‘Sick or healthy’ accounts Iza Alfredsen a picture of a Danish health care system that is on the brink of collapse, if we do not follow the prime minister’s commitments to isolate us within doors and to limit the spread of infection.

But with the Danish Health and medicines authority is, however, far from satisfied with Iza Alfredsens blog posts, which you call ‘inappropriate’.

– In the blog post, she describes, to things as fractures, appendicitis, and such a thing will not be able to be handled at the hospitals. It is simply not the case, says the chief physician in the national Health Bolette Søborg Extra Magazine.

She fears, that blog entry by Iza Alfredsens may be to undermine confidence in the authorities, which these days is more important than ever.

– You should not take this blog post for more, than that the writer paints with some powerful brush strokes in order to promote his point. I think it is inappropriate, adding Bolette Søborg.

According to the Iza Alfredsens blog posts will doctors and nurses collapsing in the aisles, while the priority of who should live and who should die, if the scenario she describes, becomes reality.

‘We will stun them a little (the patients, red.). It is uncomfortable to drown in his own secretions,’ reads the ominous words.

Iza Alfredsen has only hovedrysten left over for the Health of criticism.

– Already in early February, I went forward with allegations that we had not had enough track of them, there was coronasmittede, and that we ought to test more aggressively when people came home from the skiing holiday.

– Just infected from the ski resorts seems to be the primary reason that we now have a large outbreak in Denmark. Luckily, it is not illegal to disagree with the authorities. I will allow myself to be a bit disagree with Janice, it sounds from the Iza Alfredsen.

She believes it is important that citizens are informed about the implications of coronaepidemien can get for Denmark, if we are not careful.

– Bolette Søborg suggests to you with your blog post undermines trust in the authorities and can create undue panic. How do you view the criticism?

– We are facing an epidemic, we have not seen in 100 years, and as the authorities repeatedly have made a mistake. Neighbouring countries, we normally compare ourselves with, breaks down. It is very paternalistic to withhold information. We are no different than Italy. Italy is not an underdeveloped country in the health sense, says Iza Alfredsen.

– do you Mean that you hold information back?

– If you still insists that there is not the slightest chance that it can end up like in Italy, so they fail to tell an important part of the total knowledge in the field.

– Your communication is called for the inappropriate. What qualifies you to come up with an overall picture of the whole of the Danish health care system and not just the part you work with?

– I mean, not that there is anything that qualifies me to give me more than Andrew. I have never said that. But I’m a pragmatist. I can see what happens to all the other places in the world. I think they need to look up from the books and look out into the world, saith the criticism from the Iza Alfredsen.

Bolette Søborg assures, however, that the board of Health look up from the books and out into the world.

– There is no doubt that Italy is an example, that you have to take precautions, rather now than tomorrow. But it is also what has been done here at home.

– the Doctor here to communicate a broad picture of the Danish health care system in free fall, and it is not to talk about.