The ’cold’ press release, as queen Margrethe issued in connection with the cancellation of his 80 year’s birthday celebration, should be followed up by a televised speech, where she as a landsmoder talk to the people and exhort to peace and unity.

It says EB’s political commentator Henrik Qvortrup, who as a republican believe that in this critical corona-situation, there is a possibility that the monarchy may prove its worth.

Kongehusekspert Søren Jakobsen suggests that the queen gives a speech to the nation on his 80th birthday. Photo: Ida Guldbæk Arentsen/Ritzau Scanpix

the Queen’s message on the Corona

About the current crisis expresses the Queen:

”Denmark and the world community is just now in a very difficult situation. We all have a special responsibility to take account of each other and together contribute to the uk comes through the very big challenges that the country faces. Therefore, I appeal to that we all follow the government’s and the authorities ‘ instructions and take care of each other.

I would like to say a heartfelt thank you to the Danish health care professionals and the authorities, institutions, companies and individuals, which exhibit great vigor and care for the Danish population, so that together we can get through this difficult time.”

– In my opinion, we are in the biggest crisis in Denmark since world War ii. I believe, therefore, that the queen must come forward and speak to his people. Exactly as king Harald did in Norway after the Utøya-terror. Our prime minister, Mette Frederiksen, do it well, but still, I believe that it is now, we need the cohesion, which the queen represents. It is in difficult times, she must come forward, and if it’s not now, I don’t know when it was going to be, believe Qvortrup, who adds, that our current situation is unparalleled with regard to people’s freedom, health and the economy. That is why a press release with a few lines of generalities are not sufficient.

– We have a monarchy, and if it continues to be meaningful, it must take an active part in society. It is not enough that the crown prince couple travels home and for a few days put photos up on Instagram, where they sit at home and enable the children to play Ludo. The queen must, of course, does not outshine the prime minister or act politically, but some direct human expressions will both be able to sound a note of unity and comfort, ” says Qvortrup.

the crown prince couple travelled back to Denmark with the children. Photo: Ida Guldbæk Arentsen/Ritzau Scanpix

Kongehusekspert Søren Jakobsen is not agree.

Good enough to the press release, in which the king cancelled his birthday celebration, well have been written by the queen herself and not a communications officer. It might have made the message a little more hot (a la what we know from nytårstalerne. And good enough was the crown prince and crown princess a little late in returning home, and their announcement that they went home in ’solidarity with the people’ fluttered somewhat strange, since they come home to a job, they can’t perform. But in addition stresses Jakobsen, that it is not located in the queen’s role to act as landsmoder. She is the head of state, and the comparison with Trade is wrong – as to compare apples and pears.

– Right now, Mette Frederiksen job as prime minister, and she has taken the role as landsmoder in a way that is exemplary. Therefore, to be the queen just stay away. All the decisions that need to be taken in a situation such as this, is political, and therefore, the queen is totally unfit to go into in this context. Of course, there is not statsretsligt something that prevents her to repeat on tv, what she wrote in pressemedelelsen. But it would be a mistake.

Søren Jakobsen adds, that the queen might instead choose to keep a tv speech in connection with his birthday d. 16. april. It could be a fine occasion to talk to the danes.

the Royal family announces that you do not have any further comments to the queen’s announcement via press release the other day.