Roundabouts are a very common element in Spanish geography. On more than one occasion, these generate situations of indecision, confusion and chaos among drivers, since they are not clear about the preferences that exist.

Circulating through roundabouts is not a particularly complicated task, but more than one driver has the habit of not respecting the lanes or taking the exit from the left lane, generating crashes like the one we see today.

This is an accident that took place at a roundabout in San Roque, Cádiz and luckily it did not have serious consequences beyond the scare between both drivers and the crash they had.

The events were captured through the camera installed in the front of the vehicle. Thanks to it we can see how a car commits a serious infraction when exiting the roundabout turning from the left lane.

As expected, the driver completely blocks the car that was traveling correctly in the right lane and was not going to take the exit, but has run into this impatient driver.