The u.s. stock market in the UNITED states fell dramatically after it opened Thursday. Trading on the stock exchanges in the UNITED states was therefore suspended for 15 minutes.

The broad S&P 500 index slipped back by around seven percent, and so did the big industrial Dow Jones index. The Nasdaq, which is predominantly the major technology stocks, supported also by seven percent.

The massive price declines resulted in a handelsstop. The rules on handelsstop is to, in order that there should arise panic. The trade resumed after a quarter of an hour.

the Trading has been resumed, and the city is now more moderate than before. The three major indices falling after about a half an hour of trading, between 6,1-6,9 percent.

the Decline comes after the president of the UNITED states, Donald Trump, on Wednesday evening after børslukning announced a series of measures to counter the spread of coronaviruses.

If the stock index S&P 500 falls by seven percent in one day, all commerce put on pause for 15 minutes.

On the u.s. stock markets, there are some mechanisms in place to suspend trading briefly in the case of the big falls.

There can be no further suspension of trading, if the indices continue decline.

If the S&P 500 index continues its decline to 13 percent in a day, the deal will again be suspended for 15 minutes.

If the stock price is still dratter down, and the S&P 500 index hit a drop of 20 percent in a day, so the trade gets closed for the rest of the day.

In Wednesday’s trade bled the u.s. stocks also sharply. Here fell the three leading indices between the 4.7 and 5.9 percent.

The Danish stock market has so far also had a rough day. The leading Danish index, C25, fall Thursday afternoon 6,4 percent at a little over 15.

the Same way they slip european shares on Thursday. The large common european Stoxx 600 index is in reverse gear, It falls by 9.4 percent around the clock 15. It is the largest decline since 2008.