Schools and day-care centres are closed from Monday, and two weeks forward.

It happens to try to limit the coronavirussets dissemination.

over the weekend, the country’s 98 municipalities stacked an offer of nødpasning on the legs.

It makes it possible for parents, who performs the critically important functions in society, to have their children cared for.

Parents, which handles the critical important functions in, for example, the health service, by or in the course of the weekend, register for children to nødpasning.

And all the indications are that there will be good space between the kids, when they meet up in the much reduced day care on Monday morning.

– We have first the full picture on Monday. But as the bridge is now, there is plenty of capacity in our nødpasning, says Jacob Bundsgaard (S), president of the national Association of Municipalities (KL).

KL-chairperson, that many families have managed to find alternative care in private.

– One must say that the danes have taken the message to find alternative care for themselves.

– But we would also rather have the capacity to too many than too few, says Jacob Bundsgaard.

the KL does not yet have a total figure for how many children are enrolled nødpasning nationwide.

But the preliminary reports from the municipalities is that there is plenty of space.

In the city of Copenhagen is, according to the AT three-four percent of the parents who have enrolled children for nødpasning.

IN KL-the president’s own municipality, Aarhus, on Sunday afternoon 438 children enrolled in child care in the day care center. 179 children are enrolled for care in the sfo.

It must be seen in relation to the total capacity to nødpasning in the country’s second largest city is up to 5000 children.

As time goes by, the need for care are likely to increase, assess, Jacob Bundsgaard.

– When we get a little further away in the process, so will childcare in families is likely to be exhausted.

– And so you need a little more nødpasning. And we have the capacity to, he says.

Nødpasning applicable to children aged 0 to 9 years. The offer applies to the parents, who performs the critically important functions in the public or in the private sector.

for example, It may be in the areas of healthcare, public transport or retail industry.