on Wednesday night brought the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten, a leaked internal memo from the ministry of Finance from negotiations on equalizing, which supposedly stood, to the Left in the negotiations have the desire to get served the five municipalities with the Left-mayors.

a Few hours later reject the finance minister, Nicolai Wammen (S), however, that it has been a requirement from the Left.

– I can clearly reject, to the Left of our negotiation sessions have required that the specific Left-municipalities should be favoured in the context of a new agreement on a udligningsreform, he says in a written response to Ritzau.

In the memo, which the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten has been given access to, is second on the Left:

– Furthermore, an aim of the Left should be to reverse losses to gains/increase gains for the important V-municipalities (Aabenraa, Frederikssund, Stevns, Dk, Lemvig).

the Left has criticised the Social democrats to favor municipalities with socialist mayors.

Political rapporteur Sophie Løhde (V) say on the matter of Jyllands-Posten:

– I will neither confirm or deny whether it is something I have said in a room that should be confidential.

– I can see that we can’t rely on the government in forhandlingsrummet or in the public space. This is yet another unheard-of breach of trust from a total magtfuldkommen government, she says to the newspaper.

Earlier on Wednesday told the Treasury that you have reported to the police a leak of confidential documents from the negotiations.

Udligningsforhandlingerne deals with the government’s proposal for a major reform of the udligningssystemet, which distributes billions from wealthy municipalities to the poorer municipalities.

According to the short announcement, there is talk of a ‘ministerial staff working document’. And leaked is ‘completely unacceptable’, believes Nicolai Wammen:

– It is totally unacceptable that there is a leaked memo from the negotiations in the ministry of Finance, and I look at the matter with the utmost seriousness.

– It is also the background for the ministry of Finance has notified the matter to the police, says Nicolai Wammen.

Since the government launched its plan has been criticised by not at least Left to withhold crucial figures and calculations.

at the same time is reformudspillet been criticized far and wide by mayors, who does not believe that the proposal in its current form is fair for just their municipality.

Subsequent came the aforementioned internal socialist email back, which got Left to put the negotiations on pause. After having been granted several requirements turned Left, however, back to the negotiations.

But now has the confidence thus gained another notch in the spout.