the run-up to Saturday’s MMA fight at UFC 248 against american Austin Hubbard started for Mark O. Madsen’s part has already 20. January, where the 35-year-old falstring namely traveled to Las Vegas to kick start the preparations for his only other UFC-fight with style – both in the UFC Performance Institute and Xtreme Couture (MMA-center).

Here the manager Ali Abdelaziz with its big network no doubt played a significant role in relation to both training and sparring in God’s own country.

But even though everything, however, is not exactly gone exactly as planned the last time, then take Mark O. with ro – a fight camp goes, anyway never quite, as you expect, stresses the Danish MMA fighting.

A position he shares with his headcoach, Martin Kampmann.

Three weeks before his life’s struggle had to Mark O. namely, a little reluctantly turn the nose homewards across time zones in order to acquire a working visas at the us embassy – it is namely the requirement to be able to fight professionally for a UFC competition in the UNITED states.

For it must not be a lie, so bumping Mark O. even also into a flu – he thought at least – when he finally had landed on the island of Lolland-Falster; mind you, at a quite inconvenient time.

It proved, however, soon to be something more serious:

– It turned out to actually be a stafylokokinfektion – I had some wounds on the hand in the days leading up to the return journey, and when I finally landed in Copenhagen, I had a hand that just dunkede whole game! I smoke quickly on the two kinds of penicillin and came completely out of it in the previous week, reveals Mark O. Madsen.

It ended up to cost a few days of sparring at home – even though there is otherwise much to keep the relentless falstring away from the gym.

– Frustrating! said Mark O. then to TV 2 Sport.

But here in the days leading up to the big UFC fight in Las Vegas is actually not a theme anymore with the Danish MMA fighting.

it is Done:

– This is what happens – mentally, it has simply not been allowed to affect me. I have fortunately completely o.k. now, the insurer MMA fighter directly from the Fight Capital of the World, Las Vegas, where he really has embarked on the so-called fight week.


No need to worry: – Male performer of the day!

a spanner in the works or not … Challenges can arise suddenly and unexpectedly; it can never completely guard against.

It is solely eyes on the prize.

For such bumps on the road can not beat an experienced size as the Mark O. out – it’s Martin Kampmann convinced:

– A fight camp is never perfect … it is just so. There’s always unexpected things along the way. It applies in the end only to be the best on the day – and it’s not going to affect his fight Saturday. Mark is prepared from top to toe. He is a true sportsman, there is always the performer of the day, I’m absolutely sure, says Martin Kampmann.

In the Olympian Gym on the island of Lolland, it was nevertheless for a few days with raw training with, among others, the Finnish UFC-fights Makwan Amirkhani, the Norwegian MMA fighting Joachim Tollefsen and Damir Hadzovic, another Danish UFC lightweight, who must be in the match at a UFC event in Brazil before long.

skyrocketed to Vegas

As the Co-Main Event of the historic UFC competition in the Royal Arena in september last year, debuted at the Mark O. Madsen in the UFC-cage with a lynsejr. The 35-year-old falstring just had to use a measly one minute and 12 seconds to wipe out his Italian opponent, namely Danilo Belluardo, with a KO/TKO victory.

Mark O. is the first dane to date ended up on a so-called the number at the competition, namely the UFC 248, in his second UFC fight. Thus surpassing his teacher, Martin Kampmann, who years back was in kampprogrammet to a numbered event, UFC 68, in his third UFC fight.

Saturday meets undefeated Mark O. the 28-year-old american Austin Hubbard, who has a single UFC-fight more on the CV than his Danish opponent.