The 51-year-old dane Lars Johnsen ended his days on mysteriously in his room in the ferieparadiset Pattaya in Thailand in the last week.

His older brother Jan Johnsen got the tragic news of the death Friday of an acquaintance from Thailand. But as the evening and weekend progressed, was the rumors that the brother was slain in a brutal show.

– It is totally surreal and strange. Who smoke an awful lot of thoughts through his head, and in the course of the weekend I have been trying to find my feet in it all, says Jan Johnsen.

He personally contacted the foreign ministry’s Citizen service Friday, and Monday he was visited by the Danish police, who came with an official notification of brorens death. But they could not say more about the cause of death.

on Tuesday, he was, after having moved to new, again contacted by the foreign Ministry, who said they would release information about the death to the press, but also that the thai police had not suspected anything suspicious. Brother is however allegedly not opened yet, and Jan Johnsen has still not been able to get a cause of death or death certificate.

the Extra Leaf has asked the foreign ministry’s Citizen service, whether they can confirm that Lars Johnsen is found murdered in Thailand. They write, however, simply:

’the foreign ministry’s Citizen service can confirm that a Danish citizen has died in Thailand. The ministry of foreign affairs/the embassy in Bangkok is in touch with the relatives and provide the usual consular assistance’.

also refer to the fact that they have a duty of confidentiality in personsager and have no further comments on the cause of death.

A dramatic picture that is circulating among some of dane’s friends, and as the Extra Leaf is in possession of, shows a man, allegedly Lars Johnsen , who lies dead on the floor in front of his bed and a red leather sofa with blood around him. Friends may recognize Lars’ room in the pictures.

Jan Johnsen is Lars’ only family, after their mother died in september last year. The brothers, however, have only had sporadic contact over many years, but it is him at heart to get an answer on how his brother died.

– It is mysterious. I don’t know what I should believe, and I feel totally confused, he says, and continues:

– It came really as no surprise to me that he was dead, for he seemed not to be well. But since I’ve heard so many rumors just get worse and worse. So I have to shut down the box with the rumors and wait for news from the authorities, he says.

Lars Johnsen does not have any children and have stayed and lived in Thailand the last at least 7-8 years, interrupted only by the that he had to renew his visa. In Denmark he has previously worked as a miljøtekniker. In Thailand tells several Danish friends, that he acted a bit with the care products for leather

– I would like to know what has happened. No matter how I had it with my brother, I do not think, if the rumors have anything on that is decent, that people must die like that, and it then just goes into oblivion.

He is awaiting a death certificate in order to get to know the estate has a travel insurance that can cover for repatriation, because the authorities want to know what will happen with Lars johnsen’s corpse after the autopsy.

Flemming Frimand learned Lars Johnsen to know four years ago in Thailand, where he even takes down a few months each winter. He describes him as a pleasant and sympathetic guy.

Therefore, his violent death as a shock.

He tells that Lars Johnsen has rented the room, which is now a crime scene, at least the last two years.

– We celebrated new year’s eve up in his room the previous year, where my boyfriend and his then-girlfriend also was with Flemming Frimand.

Also on christmas eve last year celebrated together with another friend at a Danish restaurant in Pattaya, where they joined a larger group of danes and swedes.

We went frequently out to eat together, get a beer and go fishing together. It is a very strange situation, ” says Flemming Frimand.

the Same alert sounds from Peter Poulsen, who went to high school with Lars Johnsen and have known him over 30 years. Since then they have had regular contact, and just before Lars Johnsen traveled to Thailand last, he had the address of Peter Poulsen a short period of time.

– I do not think that he should just go into oblivion, says Peter Poulsen, who also remembers his friend as a good companion and a quiet and calm disposition.