See also: Danish skrækgruppe in wait? Now starts the road to Qatar-WORLD cup

the Fear of the coronavirus has scored The International Football federation (Fifa) to cast doubt on the conduct of the coming weeks of friendlies.

the Fifa president Gianni Infantino calls on the authorities not to panic, but on the contrary, he will not rule out cancellations of any friendlies.

The Danish national team must at the end of march to play friendly matches at home against the Faroe islands and away to England.

But so far, they must be played as scheduled, and at Dansk Boldspil-Union (DBU) follows the landsholdslæge Morten Boesen the situation each and every day.

– I follow it just like any other, but it is worrying that the week-to-week is something new coming, says Boesen.

Formula 1 – 3. mar. 2020 – pm. 15:30 Teamejerens clear message: Haas-team risk closure

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Landsholdslægen is extra attention around the upcoming matches. Photo: Lars Poulsen/Polfoto

It is easier with the dressings than corona. Photo: Lars Poulsen

Italian football – 3. mar. 2020 – pm. 14:22 Eriksen tipped to the throne

Denmark is to play against the Faroe islands 27. march in Herning, denmark, while England await at Wembley in London four days later.

– How England will react to landskampen in march, and how we react with landskampen at home, is hard to say right now.

– But as it is right now, runs at least we have the fight in Denmark, and so we must follow what the English authorities are reporting to the time.

We follow it, and it is, because we are on a different level of attention than usual, says Boesen.

In some countries have determined that the spectators may not come to the matches.

– so far we have not been told that there not allowed to be spectators to the matches or international matches in Denmark, says landsholdslægen.

Christian Eriksen and Inter has been postponed several matches because of the fear of coronaviruses. Photo: Emilio Andreoli/Ritzau Scanpix

Several of the Danish players like Inters Christian Eriksen, AC Milan’s Simon Kjær and Parma Andreas Cornelius plays in clubs in northern Italy, where there have been many cases of coronasmittede.

– We have lots of players on the various national teams, which play in foreign countries, where the national may be some other conditions than in Denmark. We must also abide by.

– But we deal with it, we get to know here in Denmark so far, says Boesen.

Juventus-player Sofie Junge Pedersen had to stay home from kvindelandsholdets test matches at the Algarve Cup, because it was feared that she could be a possible carrier.

Boesen stresses that Sofie Junge is fine, and is not suspected to be infected.

– It was in consultation with the national coach, Sofie and the permanent doctor, who is on the women’s team, that we decided that she should stay at home from the collection.

– It came out of the Algarve Cup just suddenly volunteered some restrictions out, as did we at the time decided not to run any risk, ” explains Boesen.

the same can be done for players on the men’s team, is yet an open question. But not only can they be tested, if there is a reasonable suspicion.

– One can imagine everything, but I just don’t think that you can test for the sake of fun. It has the individual countries do not have the capacity to, and one must also not abuse the tests on the way.

– we have heard from the Danish health authorities. To test, of course, if there is a reasonable suspicion, but otherwise, does it not, says Boesen.

He talks with all the authorities, you can talk with about the subject. And he talks also with the players on the respective team.

– I keep regular contact with them, and I’m talking also with the individual players via the coordinators to the national team, about what the individual clubs do and what there is of guidelines.

– It is something we follow, and it can change from week to week, what we do, and whether they can get home or not, says Boesen.

Yet, it is uncertain what is going to happen.

– There is not really someone who can look in the spåkuglen and say, how it develops exactly. So there is a lot of prejudice, points out landsholdslægen.

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