The unemployment benefit reform that foundered at the beginning of the year in Congress, with the decisive vote against Podemos, resumes its journey this time with the agreement between the Government and the unions, although without the employers. An agreement that will be signed this afternoon by the second vice president and Minister of Labor, Yolanda Díaz, and the general secretaries of UGT, Pepe Álvarez, and CC.OO., Unai Sordo.

The decisive step was taken at this Monday’s meeting with social agents, in which the Ministry of Labor presented its latest proposals and made a significant concession, recovering the overpayment of those over 52 years of age. This was the issue that motivated Podemos’s negative vote at the time, arguing that it meant a cut for these workers.

The full collection of the fourth payment of European funds, 10,000 million euros, depends on this reform. Given the difficulties experienced, the European Commission gave extra margin for its evaluation and postponed it to May 20. Whether the payment is full or partial depends on the fulfillment of all the milestones, and this reform is one of them. So far, in previous evaluations, Spain has always complied and has received the integrity of the amounts.

This additional protection for workers over 52 years of age joins other measures, such as the compatibility of unemployment benefit and salary for a maximum of 180 days and also its compatibility with the contributory unemployment benefit, once the unemployment benefit has elapsed. one year of payment. Currently, the benefit and subsidy can only be collected if the worker is part-time or self-employed, or if he or she is over 52 years of age.

Collecting the contributory unemployment benefit and at the same time working will be feasible starting in 2025, and once the first year of collecting the benefit has passed. It is also conditional that the salary does not exceed 18,900 euros per year, and the complement will be decreasing.

With the reform, the subsidy and also the beneficiaries are expanded. The current amount of 480 euros per month increases by 570 euros in the first six months (95% of the Iprem), to go to 540 euros in the following semester (90% of the Iprem), and be reduced to 480 euros until the end of the period collection (80% of the Iprem).

On the other hand, it is extended to groups such as those under 45 years of age without family responsibilities, to eventual agricultural workers, to cross-border workers from Ceuta and Melilla and to those who can prove contributions for periods of less than 6 months and do not have family responsibilities.

One of the novelties incorporated in the last stage of the negotiation has been to extend the subsidy to victims of sexist violence and returned emigrants. The situation of people who worked part-time and who for this reason received a lower subsidy is also corrected. They are equal to full-time workers, which especially benefits women, who are much more present in part-time contracts.