I no longer get neither the manicure or pedicure. It is rare that I lakerer my nails red.

I only goes to the hairdresser, if I suddenly saw myself in a shop window, and my hair looks extra gray out of a gray day. The hair I have been cut shorter. There is something about mature ladies and long, blond hair that just does not match.

My morgentoilette is shortened to max. a quarter of an hour. Take a quick bath with all-purpose soap, frottétørrer the hair, on a basis ansigtsolie times with expensive creams is long gone, and I jump not on antirynkecremer. A little mascara on the lashes, and I’m out the door.

it has not always been.

I have changed me much.

When I was younger, I could spend hours in front of the mirror, and I let myself only photograph with full makeup, as was my mask outwardly.

My long, blonde hair I got dyed so light that the tone was not on the farvekortet.

I had attached the fake acrylic nails that were so long, that I could scratch myself in the ass without having to bend down.

I have always been so beautiful, that I did not have to strain me.

Now I’m a couple of and fifty, and I have lost the desire to act in ‘Miss Perfect’.


The logical thing would be that I just NOW in this age would do everything I can to mask the decay.

I should regularly frequenting N’age on Kgs. Nytorv and buy me to our new term form of beauty (a la Botox and fillers.

For all in the world try to pretend that I have not been a day older with rynkefri and smooth skin.

Shiny both inside and out.

In our society, women are not allowed to age. We must, for god’s sake don’t look like our age.

Mature women being demoted in society, and it is expected of them to struggle to maintain an outdated patriarchal ideal of beauty.

I refuse to be a part of.

a few years ago I was contacted by a tv production company asked whether I would be participating in the ‘Forsidefruer’.

No, thank you. So know me damn well not.

I shouldn’t enjoy something to be a part of an ornate, superficial, selvsmagende and false skønhedskultur, as the four women in the program radiates.

They do not play roles, they play ‘themselves’ as rich forstadsfruer – of course added plenty of ‘tv-butter dramaturgy’.

Now I’m not married to a wealthy man, and I am even down with my empty bottles in the Net.

There is no doubt that I have achieved the success I have got, because of my beautiful appearance, but at the same time, it has also been a disincentive to be beautiful.

I was often considered to be a dumb blond slut, who could not think for themselves.

Occasionally I have played on it. When I was a young servant at the Royal Restaurant, I proclaimed, as if I was newly a full year in a row, for it gave extra good tips.

in turn, I have now found freedom in just being me and aging with natural grace.

So perhaps the fine ‘Forsidefruer’ in fact is some skidesøde women with ben in the nose just like me.