UPDATED: Director at KiiltoClean, Bo Eriksen, has on Friday morning, corrected his earlier statement to the Norwegian NRK and stresses that the company is not under outright police protection, but that the police really have enough patrol a little extra in the area in order to prevent burglary and theft.

The Danish company, KiiltoClean, which has its head office in Assens and produces håndsprit, the next time count on to get more often a visit from the police. It is done to protect the production, according to the demand of the håndsprit is increased tremendously after the spread of the coronavirus.

It says ceo Bo Eriksen, NRK and New york.dk.

The decision has got consequences for the designer and modeekspert Jim Lyngvilds hudplejevirksomhed, Raunsborg, which is located in the same building as KiiltoClean.

My business has come under surveillance, because it is located in the same building as Kiilto. It is not, because you think that running raging zombies in, but alcohol is one of the most important in relation to the hospitals and the hygiene right now, and if not there is alcohol, we are extremely vulnerable, so having taken the precautions, says Jim Lyngvild to Ekstra Bladet.

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He has, as a consequence of the spread of coronavirus chosen to send all his employees home, so they do not risk to come in contact with the employees at KiiltoClean.

– We dare to simply not another. I will not risk one of my employees is contagious one of the people who produce the essential funds to the health sector, which I am really proud of. They do a relentless job. So therefore, we have taken our precautions, ” he says, and continues:

– My employees have taken it absolutely fantastic. I see it in many places, and I think that the danes are amazing, and they take it really well. People take into account, and I think that people are good to avoid navlepilleri. It is true that there are people who have hoarded, but it will compensate itself the next days, when the situation is normalized, and I can understand that people can panic.

Jim Lyngvild am thinking especially of those who are particularly vulnerable in this time, where the coronavirus is ubiquitous. Photo: Tim Kildeborg Jensen

– How are you with that your business has come under surveillance?

– It is tremendously. But I understand it well, for the hand hygiene is important, and if we can’t get a hold of this stuff, so there will be trouble, he says, and continues:

– Everything is special in this here situation, but I choose to see the positive in it and think that I’m really lucky, because I’m a young man, and I’m not in the risk group. If my employees can put the ‘life-saving’ people in danger, so they should not be there. It is no longer, he says.

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According to Jim Lyngvild it can be an expensive place, that he has chosen to keep his business closed, but it takes he with exalted tranquility.

– It can be fiercely expensive, especially if the Chemist and other shops are just all of a sudden shut down, but we must take at the time. I can not take care of economic loss in this situation. Right now, it’s about human lives. I don’t know what it’s going to cost, but I’m also whistling’t care, he says.

For Jim Lyngvild is the time we are in now, hard, but he is thinking especially of the people who are in the risk category compared to being really sick of coronaviruses.

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– It is insanely difficult, for one must really consider his words, for all the same trivial problems are not with the people who stand to lose the life of it here. Everything that is called economic loss, must take the second row. But I’m nervous. For what is the what happens next?, he says, and continues:

Right now you can’t get alcohol, which is of course quite crazy. When people have sprittet hands in 14 days, so will be the hands completely dry. The next, there comes the demand on, is the hand cream, which I produce. I predict that we can’t follow along as we produce goods using the same production facilities, as Kiilto make hand hygiene, but then I live fine with it. The hospital system right now, the absolute first priority, he says further.

Usually there will be made of 60,000 litres håndsprit a week at KiiltoClean, but it has been more than quadrupled during the outbreak of coronavirus.

KiiltoClean produces around the clock to keep up with the demand. The company is among other things behind the brand Antibac and supplies to the health sector in the scandinavian countries.