Over 460 people in Italy have lost their lives as a result of the infectious coronavirus.

In Bergamo, in the northern part of the country, the situation is critical. It tells the Christian Salaroli, who is anesthesiologist at the hospital Papa Giovanni XXIII in the city.

– We have to prioritise who we should treat, and who are we not to treat, based on age and health. It is as in war. People have to stay at home, he said to the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera.

Christian Salaroli describes a situation that is so critical, that he and his colleagues must sort the in the patients, which can and can not withstand mechanical resuscitation – intubation.

The Italian anæstesilægeforening Siaarti considers that it may be necessary to introduce an age limit on admissions to the icu and that those patients with the greatest chance of survival should be given priority.

This writes the newspaper Aftenposten.

the Hospitals in the north of Italy begins to be filled, and the forecasts of professor Giancomo Grasselli from a hospital in Milan, shows that Italy can expect 3000 icu patients in a few weeks.

– This can be a disaster, said the professor, as he on Monday spoke via a video link to the health authorities in Norway.

It writes NRK.

Italy’s prime minister, Giuseppe Conte, announced on Monday evening that from Tuesday morning, will be applied by the quarantine regulations of the entire country.

This means, among other things, that the Italian should be able to demonstrate that they have a good reason to travel outside of the areas where they live.

In a televised speech on Monday evening asked the Conte, also the italians to stay at home and cancel public gatherings.

Moreover, all the Italian sports, including top football.

And all schools and universities will stay closed until the 3. april.

In Italy, 9172 people registered infected with coronavirus, while 463 have lost their lives. 724 persons are declared to be healthy again after having been infected.