Israel now requires that all citizens, returning home from a trip abroad, goes in hjemmekarantæne in 14 days.

It says prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday.

– Anyone arriving to Israel from abroad, will be in the 14-day isolation, says Netanyahu in a video message he posted on Twitter.

His staff stating that the rules shall enter into force immediately. The measure applies to preliminary in two weeks.

– It is a difficult decision. But it is essential to protect public health, and public health come first, says Netanyahu.

From Thursday, foreigners only be allowed to enter the country if they can prove that they have the funds to implement a voluntary quarantine, writes israeli media.

In advance, Israel has introduced some of the world’s most stringent travel restrictions in an attempt to limit the outbreak of coronavirus.

According to the rules that have been applicable so far, to travelers from several asian and european countries in quarantine when they arrive to Israel.

It has both limited travel and trade and is expected to have implications for the tourism sector and the economy in general.

so Far, Israel has identified 42 cases of coronasmitte in the country, but no deaths as a result of the virus.