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In Spain they don’t like adventures with money. People choose to have it parked in the account, without return, rather than investing in investment products. We do not trust even the least volatile options. A success or a mistake? The truth is that from housing to accounts, the search for security is always present.

Cautious. The Spanish are cautious with their money, the most so among their southern European neighbors. Those who keep the most money without investing: it amounts to about 18,000 euros per head. The analysis says that financial culture is lacking and “there is fear of making mistakes when investing.” The distrust in bank products and the fact that there is no war over liabilities also stands out. In the end, that money is being used to pay off debts or get rid of mortgage payments, down to lows in more than two decades. With tall guys, it’s not a bad idea.

Invest or save more. If you take the step of investing, the theory of deadlines is the most basic. Depending on each person’s objectives, point out how and where to invest the money. Beyond the choice between fixed and variable income, more things come into play. Put the money to work to at least beat inflation and so that the savings do not lose value. Another technique against price increases, more focused on the day to day, is to use white label. Such is its push in the shopping cart that it is already cornering the manufacturers’ offer.

Always safe. To have peace of mind one seeks to make sure. Like homeowners who rent, who are starting to take out insurance and guarantees for non-payment of rent to cover themselves against late payment. The full impact of the Housing law has yet to be deployed, is it worth it? Everything is to avoid surprises, charge in any case. Tranquility is something that comes late for the clients of some aesthetic clinics that have lowered the blinds and left users stranded. With half treatments, is it possible to complain?

Changes are coming. Safe or not, the world will continue to move forward around us. It even changes the way you move. Like flights, which between regulations and problems are becoming more and more expensive. The question is clear. In the future, will flying be a thing for the rich? For now the electric ones seem to be, so the brands are going to go after the middle class between discounts and aid. And in the hope that we will not have to pay more tolls when moving around the country.

Goodbye to the mandatory prior appointment in procedures with public administrations. Within a greater plan of changes, ending one of the legacies of the pandemic is one of the Government’s priorities. A cumbersome step that more than one hates…

One good and one bad. In January the labor market has not gone well at all. Unemployment grows and employment falls, in typical behavior at the start of the year. Who is worse?