It’s not quite sunk in with the executive vice-president in the Freeway group, Mia Wagner, that she is in coronakarantæne.

Since late Friday evening and she has isolated himself with his colleague in a cottage in the outside of the Disc, where they need to be in 14 days. And thus it is without having to see his children.

– It should just sink in, so what is it really, that just happens?, says Mia Wagner over the phone to Ekstra Bladet.

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Although the house is reasonably secluded, and only over a very small part of the karantænetiden, there has already been a man who was moving in the direction against the quarantined co-workers.

– So we had to cry, that he would be away. We have considered whether we should block the area of the or similar, says Mia Wagner.

Mia Wagner may not see his daughters for the next two weeks. Photo: Per Arnesen

in practical terms, they have packed the food down, they just had that at home, before they took off in the cottage. They also have a proper read books.

A coronakarantæne is, however, not equal with the holiday, so that should also work.

they Run out of food or toilet paper, they may not even go to a supermarket, but they are, fortunately, some help.

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My mother comes running and puts the goods on the road. So she can run again before we get it.

– My mother came by today, among other things, because we must be able to take our temperature, but termometrene is sold out!, says the 41-year-old executive vice president.

While she is in quarantine, she may not see his two daughters. The she told with trembling voice on Friday evening after 23 o’clock at his story on Instagram.

– I was quite taken, when I got to know, but right then, I got to say it with my daughters, it dawned on me that I should not see them.

– My two girls were really bored by it, but it is better today. They are, fortunately, fairly well informed about the coronavirussen in advance. It is the most game that they came so close. But we will have talked about it and set some words that it has come into our home, says Mia Wagner.

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It is the Danish Agency for Patient safety, which has set the ‘Lion’s den’-the profile in quarantine, after she last Wednesday sat down for a meeting with a person who tested positive for coronavirus on Friday.

– We have spent a morning together with a person from a larger Danish company, which later was found positive. We were together on Wednesdays for approximately three hours.

Mia Wagner stresses that she takes the Danish quiet, and that there is no reason to be in panic. She has no symptoms, and even if she has the virus, she may not have infected something, has she been told by her doctor.

27 people are infected in Denmark.

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