Thanks to social networks, mainly TikTok, Instagram and X (formerly Twitter), users observe the funniest scenes every week. This week, a little dog has gone viral due to his entertainment.

The dog, who is traveling by car with his family, decides to pass the time in a very peculiar way: chasing the rear windshield with his head. A very nice scene.

In the images you can see a border collie breed dog in the back of the vehicle. In order to entertain himself, the furry guy decides to chase the windshield with his head, making the rest of the cars notice him.

“The things you find on the road” says the user who posted the video, who was captivated by this tender scene. 

This funny video already has thousands of views and all kinds of comments about it: “I thought the video was because he turned on the turn signal, since many people don’t turn it on ????”, “Sorry, I’m listening to Taylor” or “The collie and his energy” are some of the most popular comments.