Elantxobe, a small corner inhabited by around 340 souls, stands as a fishing enclave in the Basque Country steeped in history and surrounded by overwhelming nature. Perched on a cliff and sheltered by Cape OgoƱo, this picturesque town unfolds in a network of alleys that clearly divide it into two: the upper part and the lower part.

At the top, a singularity stands out that is hardly found in other places in the world: a plaza with a rotating platform where arriving and departing buses perform their return dance. This ingenious solution is necessary due to the narrowness of the roads, where large vehicles cannot easily turn around.

This particularity has captured the attention of visitors, becoming a tourist attraction that invites them to stop and contemplate the elegant 180-degree turn of a bus.

One of the many videos from the platform that circulates on social networks is the one shared by Luz Guerrero on her TikTok account. One of the Internet users who reacted to these images highlighted: “with a couple.” “Below there are two Basques turning the roundabout,” highlighted another user.