I have noticed that several think that the offensive consists in the difference in age.

But Amalie has described that the problem is the same – no matter who says it.

– Then forget it with age ift. whether you infringe or not.

How to write Kenneth H in one of the 22 comments that is written in the newspaper Politiken.dk, to a post from a young woman, Amalie, who like so many other young women have experienced abusive incidents of a sexual nature on the job.

– Before each guard I contemplated my buksevalg, so people wouldn’t think of my ass, she writes f.ex. to work in the Facts and lay the ears to the comments like ‘pardon me for saying this, but you are simply just some of the the most sexy to look at’ from the men, who were older than middle aged.

Read the full post at Politiken: Former employee of the Facts: In every guard I contemplated my buksevalg, so people wouldn’t think of my ass

Several of the 22 comment writers agree with Amalie in to this kind of thing is offensive and wrong, but others believe that the kind of comments to follow, when you move around in the public space. Kenneths commentary continues thus:

A thought experiment: Let a woman make a list of what she thinks is okay and what she does not think is in order ift. comments in different situations.

– In these times of fluid sexuality and gender, it should also be no matter which of the 72? the sex of the person commenting has.

– Let other women go through the list.

– I’m 100% sure that there cannot be a list that is agreed on, writes Kenneth and Susanne’s is on the same wavelength:

– Where it’s becoming sin for us all.

– You will be inked to comment on each other’s appearance, you could almost not give compliments for fear of whether the receiving party will be able to feel wronged, you are allowed to – almost – ask for a written consent before the touches, kisses and at least sexual intercourse.

– And much more in the major.

See also: Assholes destroyed the girl’s the spring mood: Asked her to take the bikini on the

– I don’t think I have figures on the number of times I have felt violated, grænseoverskredet or uncomfortably affected by the unfortunate comments, bad jokes, inappropriate interjection, suggestions, or touches.

– But it is really feelings you must learn to cope with. They can not be eliminated by others to behave in a certain way.

– as long As the violation is not of a kind where the violence is kept firmly in situation, or unable to tell the other, they can even provide the material for that one comes to know himself and his limits better, writes Susanne.

on Friday, arranged the CBS women’s day with the theme: How have #meto affected our working lives, and they are invited to talk about how people – often women – are victims of sexual violations or sexual predatory behavior. Not only in their own circle, but also in the workplace, of union, in the idrætsforeningen, etc.

See also: Sexovergreb in female football: Good ass in the shower and ‘you are my after the battle’