the Chairman of the English football association, Greg Clarke, has notified Premier League clubs, that he does not believe that the season will be completed, which can have huge financial implications for all involved in English football.

It writes Martyn Ziegler, who is fodboldredaktør for The Times.

the Premier League-the clubs held on Friday morning the crisis meeting, which meant that the man chose to suspend the Premier League and all the lower ranks of English football until, at the earliest, the 3. april.

the meeting was Clarke, however, have told the assembled representatives of the clubs, that he did not think it was possible to play the season out, and referred to the uk government’s latest projections on the coronavirussen.

At the moment, expect the british authorities and not to the spread of infection will have reached its peak in the Uk until around the middle of June. Therefore, think Clarke is not on that Premier League clubs will be able to play the matches until after then.

And should you believe The Times, says also that Premier League managers have thought the same thought.

At the moment is the Premier League thus set forward to the first weekend in april, but the Brighton ceo Paul Barber was supposed to this morning’s meeting have questioned why it has not suspended the league for a long time, now, when the british government first sees an improvement in the situation for the summer.

This was Richard Masters, the Premier League’s executive director, have said that indeed, a great challenge, but to the temporary suspension of the league gives the clubs and the parties involved more time to discuss solutions and possible consequences.

For the consequences, there will probably be lots of, if you are to believe the report from The Times.

As a senior official from a broadcasting company tell to the media:

– The commercial reality of the Premier League, and UEFA is to complete the not the seasons, then they break their contracts with the tv providers.

– it Becomes the case, will the tv service providers from all over the world say that they refuse to pay for the entire season. We’re talking about the Premier League alone, it is a revenue of 3 billion pounds annually from outside and domestic tv-rights.

Sky Sports reporter Kaveh Solhekol writing on Friday evening the following:

– A leading figure in a Premier League club says that there is a 75 percent chance that the season is not being played.

‘I can’t see how the league will return in about three weeks. The virus is going to last several months. You begin to have doubts about the beginning of the next season. There are big issues that need to be made. Some moved up and others down,’ is the Premier League-the source was quoted as saying.

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