It is not only storsvindleren Per Ulrich Karpf, who has a close relationship with the disputed Odense-auditor-Johnny-Haste Hansen from revisionsselskabet 4Audit. Also the two creators of Facebook-fupfirmaet Marketing Saver, as an Extra Magazine in recent months has uncovered, has bought three companies with the statutory auditor.

Per Ulrich Karpf and Johnny Hastily Hansen is, according to DR the main characters in a sophisticated design, where over-indebted companies can buy out of debt for, among other Taxes.

Per Ulrich Karpf, who most recently served five years in prison for fraud, so was the seller of the type of act as supervisors in the company Legal Office Cph, as Johnny Hastily Hansen until a short time ago owned and was director of the. He has today been given the disqualification of company directors and must no longer stand in the forefront of the company.

As the telltale series ‘Pengejægerne’ shows, could firmaejere with debt to buy themselves out of the problems by letting the Legal Office Cph buy up the bad parts and leave them to a director who actually worked as a cover. The assets of the smoke on to a new company and was removed from the creditors, while both the Per Ulrich Karpf and Johnny Hastily Hansen got the money for their help.

Technology – 22. feb. 2020 – pm. 19:33 Millionaire-father convicted: Now fits fupdirektør bar

However, Johnny Hastily Hansen is also the man, as the owners of Facebook-fupfirmaet Marketing Saver turned on, when the last fall was in need of four new companies. Johnny Hastily Hansen has created hundreds of the so-called 1-krone companies, the PERIOD before the politicians put a stop to the trick.

Thus took over Arvin Mazaheri and Rasmus Gutfelt Skalbo, who runs the Marketing Saver, 4. October 2019 a company called ASD 116 IVS from Johnny Hastily Hansen. The company’s new name was Future Social Holding IVS, as the two now directors and owners of.

the Same date took over Arvin and Rasmus another company, ASD 117 IVS, from Johnny Hastily Hansen. It is now called Telemarketing Saver IVS.

Finally, and again on the same date purchased the Arvin Mazaheri personally the company ASD 115 IVS from Johnny Hastily Hansen and renamed it to the Future Star Holding IVS. And Rasmus Gutfelt Skalbo bought personally, ASD 114 IVS from Johnny Hastily Hansen and renamed it to Gutfelt Holding IVS.

Technology – 18. feb. 2020 – pm. 06:53 Scandal-director runs from big bills

Rasmus Gutfelt Skalbo will continue not to talk with Ekstra Bladet, but Arvin Mazaheri confirms in a mail that he has bought the companies from Johnny Hastily Hansen.

‘I don’T know Johnny Hastily Hansen. I have purchased ivs firms of him, as well as MANY other entrepreneurs.’

‘I read, he had bought about 400 ivs companies before the law came. and you could no longer get an entrepreneur these companies,’ explains Arvin Mazaheri in the mail.

He denies, therefore, that there is a correlation between the dealers in Marketing the Saver and the disputed statutory auditor from Odense. The purchase of the companies has been completely random and have nothing with the Arvins and Johnny’s shared hometown, Odense, denmark, to make.

Nor is it common acquaintance with the Per Ulrich Karpf, who have taught the sellers of Arvin Mazaheri and Rasmus Gutfelt Skalbo, have no correlation with the acquisition of the four companies.

Johnny Hastily Hansen confirms in an email to Ekstra Bladet, that the sale of the four companies is happened randomly.

‘The young entrepreneurs have been inside our website and buy some finished registered IVS companies. I have never had anything to do with those persons.’

‘I’ve even had a client that has written a contract with their company.’

Case card

the Extra Leaf in the last few weeks revealed how a large number of smaller companies have been grossly fuppet to accept the insane contracts from the company Marketing the Saver.

It has happened by, to the sellers from Marketing Saver has assured businesses that they alone say yes to get the Facebook-using for 99 dollars a month. The real expense is, however, up to 150,000 dollars and some times twice.

former sellers of the owners of the Marketing Saver, Rasmus Gutfelt Skalbo and Arvin Mazaheri, tells us that they have been duped and not knowing, that they lied to customers.

The two owners are hiding in an unknown location in Spain and refuses to talk with Ekstra Bladet.

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