
Florida Representative Claims ‘Project 2025 Aims to Eliminate NOAA and National Weather Service’

As Hurricane Helene approached Florida, concerns arose about the potential impact of Project 2025 on the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the National Weather Service. The League of Conservation Voters and liberal influencer Brian Tyler Cohen both raised alarms about the project, which they claimed would dismantle these crucial weather services.

The National Weather Service and NOAA have been vital institutions in monitoring and predicting weather patterns since their establishment in 1970. However, U.S. Rep. Jared Moskowitz, a Democrat from Florida, voiced strong opposition to Project 2025 during a House Oversight Committee hearing on September 19. Moskowitz, a former emergency management director in Florida, emphasized the importance of these agencies in providing essential information to the public, especially during hurricane season.

Moskowitz’s concerns were echoed by others who feared the potential consequences of dismantling NOAA and the National Weather Service. He criticized the project for jeopardizing the accuracy and reliability of weather forecasts, essential for preparing and responding to natural disasters like hurricanes. The congressman highlighted the absurdity of relying on alternative methods such as Magic 8 balls or Ouija boards for weather predictions, referencing President Trump’s infamous Sharpie-doctored map incident during Hurricane Dorian in 2019.

While Project 2025 does not explicitly call for the complete dismantling of NOAA, it does propose significant changes that could undermine the agency’s independence and effectiveness. Keith Nagy, a spokesperson for Moskowitz, emphasized the potential risks associated with weakening NOAA and the National Weather Service, warning that it could compromise vital information on hurricanes, heat waves, and other extreme weather events.

Project 2025, developed by the conservative Heritage Foundation as a policy blueprint for a Republican administration, aims to restructure NOAA and commercialize forecast operations. The document, authored by former Trump administration officials, suggests downsizing NOAA and focusing on commercial partnerships to enhance weather forecasting capabilities. It advocates for a performance-based approach for the National Weather Service, prioritizing cost-efficient technologies and accountability for achieving specific outcomes.

Implications of Project 2025 on Weather Services

The potential implications of Project 2025 on NOAA and the National Weather Service are significant. By advocating for the commercialization of forecast operations, the project could introduce private interests into the domain of weather forecasting, raising concerns about the prioritization of profit over public service. Critics argue that commercializing weather technologies may compromise the accuracy and reliability of weather forecasts, impacting public safety and emergency preparedness.

Moreover, the proposal to transform the National Weather Service into a performance-based organization could have far-reaching consequences for the agency’s mission and effectiveness. While accountability and efficiency are essential aspects of any government agency, the emphasis on achieving specific results at the expense of scientific integrity and public service raises questions about the long-term sustainability of weather forecasting operations.

Challenges and Opportunities in Weather Forecasting

The debate surrounding Project 2025 reflects broader challenges and opportunities in the field of weather forecasting. As advancements in technology and data analytics continue to revolutionize weather prediction capabilities, the role of government agencies like NOAA and the National Weather Service remains crucial in ensuring the accuracy and reliability of weather forecasts.

However, the increasing privatization and commercialization of weather services pose challenges in maintaining the public trust and integrity of weather forecasting operations. Balancing the need for innovation and efficiency with the mandate to protect public safety and provide accurate weather information requires a thoughtful and comprehensive approach that considers the diverse needs and interests of stakeholders.


In conclusion, the debate over Project 2025 and its potential impact on NOAA and the National Weather Service underscores the importance of preserving and strengthening essential weather services for the benefit of the public. While calls for reform and efficiency are valid, any changes to these critical agencies must prioritize scientific integrity, public service, and the protection of lives and property. As Florida and other states continue to face the growing threat of extreme weather events, ensuring the resilience and effectiveness of weather forecasting operations is essential for safeguarding communities and enhancing disaster preparedness efforts.