A comprehensive criminal case on incest in the last three days have been rolled up in the Court of Frederiksberg in copenhagen.

A 43-year-old man of another ethnic origin than Danish is here charged for a number of years to have exposed his now adult daughter to various forms of incestuous sexual assault.

He is among other things charged for second sexual relationship than intercourse, consummated the rapes, threats and blufærdighedskrænkelser, and it must be continued through ten years, up to the man last year was arrested at the family address in the outskirts of Copenhagen.

the Girl must have been 10 years old when her father, according to the indictment the first time molest her by, among other things to paw her breasts and other intimate places and try to force her to perform oral sex.

In the indictment it is described that the man in the first place gave up when the girl sat down to modværge.

the Daughter was about 14 years old when he, after the prosecutor’s opinion began to force intercourse with her, and it continued, according to the indictment repeatedly, and weekly until the summer of 2019.

In several cases, he must have laid himself on top of her and tried to pull the pants off of her.

She must in the circumstances have pushed him away and shouted that he should stop.

– The accused denies guilty. In his opinion, this is a conspiracy set in motion by two daughters from a different family, explains Anders Larsson, prosecutor at Copenhagen Police.

the Woman’s father is also accused of having locked her up in a basement during the summer of 2017.

In its evidence, Anders Larsson, among other things, highlighted that the man in the a period of time until his arrest in august last year several times carried out searches on porn sites, which ran under the theme of sex between fathers and daughters.

the Hearings are run for the open doors, with the exception of the aggrieved woman’s explanation, which was settled behind closed doors.

Her sister gave evidence on a video recording which was played to jurors and judges.

There are allocated five working days from the notification to the incest case, which is expected to fall a judgment in before next week’s end of the year.