– For the Danish population, politicians metres.fl.

– I am a very concerned grandfather, as have my 2 grandchildren (a girl of 12 and a boy of 8) tvangsanbragt in 2 different foster homes.

They were placed in 2018.

But now, the municipality has decided that the boy – who is 8 years – should be moved to a new foster home. A family, who lives 190 miles away.

so begins the JB a letter to the nation! about the unfortunate situation of his grandchildren ended up in – a situation, which is now in his eyes become even more unhappy, because the responsible local authority has determined that the youngest grandson will be moved 190 kilometers away to a new foster home.

JB hope that his letter – which the municipality has said no to that comment, since it’s all about people – can get some responsible case managers or politicians to think a little about when they move around on involuntary placements of children.

And he also ask that people with experience from the kind of cases, comes with a good to what he and the parents can do. Your grandfather’s letter thus continues:

– It means my little granddaughter, who do not have it particularly easy, to say goodbye to his fodboldkammerater and other friends, as he has got a real good relationship with.

– He is also recorded on the fodboldskolen in the city in the summer.

– He is very fragile boy, and this new movement is becoming more than difficult for him.

the Move is also difficult for me, since I live 240 miles from this new family. Today I see both grandchildren about once every month. And I’ve also had them 3-4 days in the summer holidays.

– I and the parents have suggested several solutions in the area, but the municipality does not take account – of the bother is actually not time to comment on our prayers.

– They – that is, caseworkers – are saying all the time, that it is in the child’s best interests, but the interests I find it hard to see.

– I could write much more, but one should not be tired of reading the ad, before it’s over, joins JB to the letter, and if you have a suggestion of how you can get a municipality to change a decision in a tvangsanbringelssag, please write a comment.